April 11, 2013

The Wanderer - Robyn Carr

The Wanderer book cover
The Wanderer by Robyn Carr
Series: Thunder Point #1
Publisher: Harlequin MIRA
Publication Date: March 26, 2013
Source/Format: Netgalley (Thanks Harlequin!) || e-galley
[I received this book from the publisher. This in no way affects the thoughts expressed in my review.]

Nestled on the Oregon coast is a small town of rocky beaches and rugged charm. Locals love the land's unspoiled beauty. Developers see it as a potential gold mine. When newcomer Hank Cooper learns he's been left an old friend's entire beachfront property, he finds himself with a community's destiny in his hands.

Cooper has never been a man to settle in one place, and Thunder Point was supposed to be just another quick stop. But Cooper finds himself getting involved with the town. And with Sarah Dupre, a woman as complicated as she is beautiful.

With the whole town watching for his next move, Cooper has to choose between his old life and a place full of new possibilities. A place that just might be home.(from Goodreads)

I haven't read a lot of contemporary adult romances lately, so The Wanderer was like a reintroduction into that particular genre - and I liked it! It was a great series starter, as readers are given the opportunity to get to know these characters set against this magnificent setting of the Oregon coast. Even though there were a few little things I didn't particularly care for, I really found the novel to be a nice read.

As a person who's a sucker for a good setting, I swooned over the start of this book. When Cooper describes his first impression as he arrives at Thunder Point, I found myself wanting to visit right along with him. The coast he describes sounds rugged and magical, and equal parts beautiful and intimidating, and I long to go there one day and see it for myself.

Right after Cooper arrives at Thunder Point, we get to meet this whole bunch of characters who reside in the little town. While having multiple characters and various stories playing out is always interesting, I did feel a little bit like I was shortchanged in getting to know them all. I did get to hear their stories and watch one or two of them play out, but I can't help thinking like there definitely could be more. Thankfully, it's a series and I'm sure that means more of the characters in this book will pop up in the ones to come.

Cooper was a perpetual wanderer just because he hadn't found the right place to settle down. The circumstances that bring him to Thunder Point are less than ideal, but in the end, it feels right. The opportunity brings him here where he falls in love with the place and the people, his emotions invested before even he realizes it. I especially loved reading about his relationship with Sarah, especially as they encountered quite a few obstacles at the beginning of their relationship.

The Wanderer is a good first book, providing a solid foundation of setting and characters to build the rest of the series upon. While I was definitely satisfied with how most things ended, there are still a few characters I'm curious about - and that's why I'm pretty glad that this is just the first novel in the series.


  1. I haven't read an adult romance in a long time, and I really like the sound of this one. Plus there's something about coastal settings that always appeals to me. Great review, Alexa!

  2. I have a copy of this one and hopefully I'll get to it soon. Robyn Carr is an author I see CONSTANTLY at work and I know she's wildly popular, but that's about it. Lately I've been curious about certain romance authors (not a genre I'm too familiar with) and when I saw this book on netgalley I couldn't resist.

    :) So glad to hear this one is good!

  3. I don't really read a lot of adult contemp romances but I love how you describe the setting of this one! I would probably swoon over Thunder Point as well. Glad you enjoyed this book. :)

  4. I need to read this soon! I'm glad to read a review of it because I hadn't seen anything about it, really.

  5. I don't read many contemporary adult romances these days, but this one sounds like a good read for a rainy day. Thanks for the review!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden


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