April 17, 2013

And Then I Found You - Patti Callahan Henry

And Then I Found You book cover
And Then I Found You by Patti Callahan Henry
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Publication Date: April 9, 2013
Source/Format: Netgalley (Thanks Macmillan!) || e-galley
[I received this book from the publisher, as part of my involvement in the She Reads online community. This in no way affects the thoughts expressed in my review.]

Kate Vaughn has a secret. While her life is certainly successful and filled with a loving family, wonderful friends and a devoted boyfriend, Kate still feels like she could use some closure with her past - including the long relationship she had with her ex Jack. When a startling turn of events forces Jack and Kate into contact again, Kate learns that sometimes the past is never truly forgotten, that decisions that were hard can often be best and that sometimes, fate has a funny way of revealing what was once lost.

Stories about lost loves always intrigue me, and that was certainly the case with And Then I Found You. That element certainly plays a major role in the development of this story, though it is not just the lost love of a past romance that Henry writes about. I felt oddly detached from the main character, but this story was still heartwarming in its entirety and finished leaving me at peace with what happened to Kate.

As mentioned, I couldn't connect very well with Kate. Her circumstances are very different from my own, which made it hard for me to imagine being in her place. It bothered me that she was indecisive and emotionally driven when it came to certain choices she made, especially about her relationship with her boyfriend Rowan. But it's not all terrible! I did appreciate her ambition and passion for the clothing store she runs. She's also extremely loyal and compassionate when it comes to the people she loves. Plus, she has this one adventurous part of her life that I found very likable indeed.

The story, however, was pretty good. It's about lost love for different people - for an old flame, for family and even for one's self. Kate is forced to deal with past choices that are haunting her in the present. Watching as she handles each one - the love she still has for Jack, the consequences of a choice she made years ago and the inner strength she needs to discover for herself - is really what kept me reading this novel. Kate was certainly emotionally overwhelmed in the first half, but readers will see her rise above it and find stability, peace and love as it draws to a close.

While I didn't really fall for Kate's character, I did end up enjoying the story. The way it is woven is very realistic, and I eagerly anticipated finding out what happened next. Once I'd finished, I turned the last page of the novel and felt content. It wasn't the happily-ever-after of dreams, but it definitely felt right for this story. And Then I Found You is a well-written adult contemporary novel, with a solid story and an ending that will leave readers feeling glad they read it.


  1. The theme of choices and their consequence in love is always interesting to me. I'm glad you were able to enjoy it despite not really relating the the main character.

    1. Yes! Sometimes, the story can be compelling enough to keep me reading. This one certainly was, and I liked the way it played out too.

  2. I'm glad you liked this one well enough, even though you couldn't completely connect with Kate's character. I've read mostly positive reviews for this book, so I'm definitely curious about it now. Great review, Alexa!

    1. It's a pretty good book! I think it's really the story that carries it along though, and not the characters. There's something compelling about all the forms of love that were explored in it.

  3. I read this book last week and wow it was amazing.

    Here's My review: http://rachaelc94.blogspot.com/2013/04/book-review-and-then-i-found-you-by.html

    1. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for sharing your review with me.

  4. This one sounds pretty good! I too love books about lost love, so maybe I will give this one a shot! :)

    1. It's a fairly quick read, all things considered. I did like the flow of the story, and I thought that the author handled various things about it well.

  5. This seems pretty interesting! I'll have to check it out

    1. I hope you enjoy it if you do! Thanks for reading my review :)

  6. For me, I have to connect with a character to really enjoy an adult book, so I think I may end up skipping And Then I Found You. Oh well, so many books so little time, ya know?


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