March 2, 2013

It Takes Two || March 2013

It Takes Two is a feature inspired by our (Cass and I) desire to push our genre/subject matter boundaries and try something different every month! We'll be picking a genre for the month, and then choosing two books to read from that genre - one well-known title, and one not-so-well-known/older title - and review on our blogs. 

Last month, I was a little distracted since I took some time off work and returned to the Philippines to visit Macky, my family and my friends, as well as do some planning and have some meetings about my September wedding. It was a relaxing, lovely trip, as well as being majorly productive, so I’m grateful for that. HOWEVER, it does mean that my It Takes Two reviews for February weren’t completed in time, and I’ll end up posting them sometime this month instead. 


This month, it was my turn to choose what genre/subject matter we would be reading – and, as an avid lover of this genre, I picked fantasy! Technically, this is not a new genre for me. It is, rather, a way for me to slowly but surely convince Cassie that this is going to be a good experience for her. Fantasy has a way of drawing you into the worlds the authors create, and all sorts of fantastical abilities and creatures are present. 

The books we picked out for this month are:

The Girl of Fire and Thorns book cover

Check back later in the month for our reviews! 

(Obviously, the feature name is inspired by a few things - the fact that there are two of us doing it, and that we'll be reading two books a month - but we'd both like to attribute the real inspiration to that movie from our childhood. If you have no idea what movie we're referring to, *gasp*, I suggest clicking right here.)


  1. Love the explanation, Alexa! ahahha

    1. It's our feature and nobody can be the boss of us... except us. Haha!

  2. I love fantasy, and Poison Study is one of my absolute faves in that genre! Hope you enjoy. ^^

    1. YAY for the Poison Study endorsement! I've read her Healer series, but not this one so I'm looking forward to it.

  3. Basically those are two of my FAVORITE fantasy books ever. You two are in for HUGE treats! <3

    1. YES! I always trust your taste in books (since it's very similar to mine) and so now you've got me extra excited for this!

  4. Dystopian and paranormal are not really my thing but I think I could read and ENJOY fantasy so looking forward to your reviews and I might even pick these two books up soon ;D

    1. We'll see how it goes after we read them. Hopefully, we can fully endorse them to you as awesome reads!

  5. I love this feature, by the way!

    Also, I have not read either of these books but I love fantasy as well so I hope you manage to get Cassie on board as well!

    Hope you like the reads :-)

    1. Fantasy has always been my favorite genre (apart from historical romances). It's awesome to indulge in it this month. Thanks for liking the feature!

  6. I haven;t read Poison Study so I'm looking forward to hearing about it. I LOVED TGoFaT!

    1. Hooray, now here's an endorsement for the Fire & Thorns series! i can't wait to start on it as it seriously sounds SO GOOD.

  7. I have not read either of these titles yet so I cannot wait to see what you two think!

    1. It should be fairly interesting, since we still have to catch up on last month's books too ;)


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