February 23, 2013

2013 Book Blogger Love-A-Thon || Kick-off Post!

I can hardly believe the day has come... but it's finally here! Here's my official launch post for the 2013 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon, co-hosted by myself and Katelyn. I'm excited and honored to be a part of this event, and am so grateful to everyone who's decided to join us in celebrating this awesome community we're all a part of! 

Throughout the day, there will be various posts going up - interview swaps, mini-challenges and other posts celebrating book blogging, bloggers and authors and the entire community. We're excited, and we hope you are too! (For full schedule details, you can refer to this post.)

Without further ado, please check out the full list of participants for the 2013 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon below! Please feel free to hop around and visit everyone you can - that's the goal of this day after all. Thank you, again, for joining us and I hope you spend as much time as you can taking part in the (virtual) festivities! 

(Because if this was being held in person, rest assured there would be cupcakes. And cocktails!)




Erika (Moonlight Book Reviews)
Natalie (Mindful Musings)
Teri (Dreaming Dreams No Mortal Ever Dared)
Kristen (My Bookish Fairytale)
Rachel (Rachel Reads)
Jen (Almost Grown-Up)
Kelly (Belle of the Literati)
Nicole (Paperback Princess)
Caitlyn (Caitlyn Reads)
Vi (Confessions of a Vi3tBabe)
Brittany (The Book Addict's Guide)
Lauren (Hughes Reviews)
Dana (Little Lovely Books)
Annie (Random Reads)
Lisa (Lisa is Busy Nerding)
Kailia (Reading the Best of the Best)
Sally (Always Lost in Stories)
Tiffany (Reviews a la Tiffany)
Gaby (Queen Ella Bee Reads)
Grace (Books Like Breathing)
Michelle & Leslie (Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks)
Juewelz (SMI Book Club)
Kristen (My Friends are Fiction)
Ally & Lee (Rally the Readers)
Nicole & Ashley (The Quiet Concert)
Amy (Tripping Over Books)
Justin (Justin's Book Blog)
Faith (Student Spyglass)
Liz (Along for the Read)
Lettie (Above Average Below Special)
Alyssa (Books Take You Places)
Leela (My World in English)
Jana (That Artsy Reader Girl)
Kristina & Daphne (Gone Pecan)
Audra (The Society)
Diana (Little Miss Drama Queen)
Jen (Jenuine Cupcakes)
Marie (Ramblings of a Daydreamer)
Elemillia (Gone Bookserk)
Claire (Project To Be Read)
Faye (A Daydreamer's Thoughts)
Akansha (Along the Road)
Alysia (My Little Pocketbooks)
April (Good Books and Good Wine)
Jasmine (A Room With Books)
Jaclyn (JC's Book Haven)
Alexis (Reflections of a Bookaholic)
Christina (Allodoxophobia)
Emma (Mab is Mab)
Orisi (Orisi's Blah Blah Blah)
Amanda (Girl with a Pen and a Dream)
Betty (Book Rock Betty)
Cynthia (A Blog About Nothing)
Judith (Paperiot)
Christine (Oh, Chrys!)
Jess (Gone with the Words)
Courtney (Chaos Theory)
Farhana (Digesting the Words)
Ruby (Ruby's Reads)
Candice (The Grown-Up YA)
Mel (The Daily Prophecy)
Whitney (She is Too Fond of Books)
Andrea (The Overstuffed Bookcase)
Cayce (Fighting Dreamer)
Ellie (The Window Seat)

Anyone who wants to join in on the celebration is welcome of course, but these are the people who officially signed up to be a part of the event! And without further ado... let the Love-a-Thon begin!


  1. Hi everyone! My blog is actually at http://windowseatreviews.com now!

  2. Hey everyone. My blog is actually at littlelovelybooks.com now. Alexa could you change me in the list please? Thanks!

  3. Thanks so much for organizing this event! I am so glad to be a part!

  4. This is such a fun idea, Alexa! I wish I had the time to participate. I'll for sure be checking out some of the participant's blogs.

    Have a good day! :)

  5. Thanks for hosting this event! Just woke up and I'm jumping in a little late. Looking forward to this.

  6. Yay for the Love-A-Thon!!! I am so happy we were able to co-host together. It wouldn't be the same :)


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