February 23, 2013

2013 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon || Mini-Challenge #5

We're hitting the home stretch of the Book Blogger Love-a-Thon, and this means that we're down to our fifth and last mini-challenge! As we're winding down and all of us are probably still in a reflective mood, we've decided to keep going with that theme for this challenge.

What do you need to do? Share about your top blogging moments so far! It can be events you've gone to, reviews you've written and connections you've made or so on.


I was able to attend Book Expo America for the first time ever last year - and it was as awesome and overwhelming and fun and insane as everyone's been saying. I was grateful that I was able to attend it with fellow newbie Katelyn by my side, as it made the experience a lot less awkward and scary. BEA is incredible. I got to meet some amazing authors and bloggers, and got a chance to (semi) interact with publishers. It was a wonderful experience... and I can't wait to go again this year!


David Levithan

with Jodi Meadows, author of Incarnate!

meeting John Green

One of the best things about living in New York City is that author events happen all the time in my area. Thanks to the presence of a ton of indie bookstores and B&N stores too, I've had the opportunity to meet David Levithan, Christopher Paolini, Maggie Stiefvater, Meg Cabot, Libba Bray, Jodi Meadows, and many, many more. There are also special events, like the one where I got to meet JK Rowling! I've also gone to one out of state event and met John Green!


with Estelle || with Shanella + Amanda || with Magan
with Tara + Katelyn || with Jamie || with Elena + Estelle

with Jamie, Estelle & Vi

with Hannah

Blogging has opened up an entirely new world to me, particularly when it comes to my friends. I'm grateful to have made some amazing friends indeed. What started out as a virtual friendship over a shared love of books has definitely developed into something more - and brought me some amazing friends in real life.


  1. How fantastic! It sounds amazing to get to go to something like this. I live in Northeast Texas so there aren't a lot of event or even author signings close to me. Hopefully I will make one in Dallas one day - Kim Harrison went this year, but I didn't get to see her. I would LOVE getting to spend time with fellow bloggers and turn those virtual friendships into something more lasting. Excellent post :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven

    1. I hope you get to go to a big author event or blogger meet-up (as I'm pretty sure there are a ton of TX bloggers!)one day. It's a fantastic experience to be surrounded by like-minded bookish people.

  2. I LOVED going to BEA but it was made even more awesome because we got to hang out together! Bookish events (blogger meetings or author signings) are always among my very favorite!

    1. Anytime we get to hang out is really just plain awesome K <3 I cannot wait to see you again this year for BEA!

  3. Warms my heart to see these pictures + know that I've made such wonderful friends from blogging and loving books. Alexa, you are a sweet sweet girl and your thoughtfulness always makes me smile.


    1. I love you E! You were the first blogger friend I ever met in real life - and I'm so happy that we've been friends (well, even better friends) ever since then. It's been a joy to get to know you and hang out and here's to many more years to come xo


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