February 23, 2013

2013 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon || Mini-Challenge #3

How's everyone doing? It's time to pat yourself on the back for making it to the halfway point! Take a coffee break, grab some snacks, sneak in some reading time... perhaps you should stretch too? Either way, it's time for the third mini-challenge!

What do you need to do? It's time to dig through your music files to make a book playlist! You can make them through Spotify, YouTube videos or even just a list of song titles. They can either be playlists you made up yourself for a certain book OR one that the author made for their book. 

Don't forget to share your post in the linky below, and to go and visit everyone else's posts!

So, confession time: I have never, ever, ever made a book playlist before! This is not to say that I can't appreciate a good playlist when I hear one, and I have two favorite book playlists that I wanted to share with you guys. Since other people created such awesome posts, I thought I'd just link you to them!

Throne of Glass book cover
my review

Amy and Roger's Epic Detour book cover
my review


  1. Oh my gosh, Throne of Glass is such an epic book! One of my favorite reads of 2012! Haven't read Amy and Roger's Epic Detour buuuuut now I might have to! Lovin it Alexa!!

    1. Please do read Amy & Roger's Epic Detour! That book is one of my favorites EVER. Morgan Matson is such a wonderful writer.

  2. Thank you for including my playlist Alexa; you're full of awesome but then again, you already know this :)

    1. You're sincerely awesome, and I always trust your music recs ;)

  3. I love the Amy & Roger soundtrack! I found a Spotify playlist a while ago with all of the songs in the book, and I listen to that A LOT :)

    1. that may be the one Katelyn made! I remember following hers almost instantly after I read A&RED :)

  4. I'm SO bad at playlists... I just skipped this challenge. But I LOVE Stephanie Perkins's playlist for Anna and the French Kiss. It's made of win.

    1. Surprisingly, I haven't heard that one yet. I must make a mental note to check it out now!


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