February 23, 2013

2013 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon || Mini-Challenge #1

I love celebrating other bloggers who are talented, unique and inspiring! While it's certainly a key part of our celebrations today, this post is special. Right now, we're kicking off the first of our mini-challenges

What do you need to do? We're giving you four categories - best reviews, best book discussion posts, best blog design/layout and best "insert your own category here" - and you have to choose 3-5 favorite blogs for each!

Keep in mind that there's no prize for accomplishing this but it's a great way to discover new blogs and to celebrate old favorites. Please link up to your post in the linky included below, after my own answers for the challenge!

Best Reviews

Hannah @ So Obsessed With 
Hannah reviews an eclectic mix of young adult and adult titles. Her reviews are always succinct, and organized and easy to read. What I especially love are the super creative titles she has for her posts!

Magan & Estelle @ Rather Be Reading
I'm pretty sure I've said this multiple times, but Magan and Estelle can pretty much convince me to read any book they post about. Their reviews are always well-written and polished and wonderful.

Rachel @ Hello, Chelly
Rachel is able to talk about books that I've loved and might possibly lovely in the briefest of paragraphs. Her brevity and frankness about the books she reads is certainly something admirable.

Best Book Discussion Posts

Jamie @ The Perpetual Page-turner
This has been noted multiple times on my blog, but Jamie has the best discussions on her posts. Whether it's about book habits, bookish resolutions, book memories or even randomness about books, she's got it all - and I love it so, so much!

Kelly @ Radiant Shadows
I've noticed that Kelly has been posting some really thoughtful discussions on her blog about various things - whether it's Facebook, moving from Blogger to Wordpress, plagiarism and the like. I always feel well-informed after reading her posts.

Gaby @ Ella Bee Reads
As a newbie blogger, I feel like Gaby certainly holds her own when it comes to discussion posts. She's posted about libraries and reading when traveling and even author encounters, and I've found her posts organized, informative and entertaining.

Best Blog Design/Layout

Elena @ Novel Sounds
This girl has an amazing blog layout, which I'm completely and utterly in love with. I'm also in love with the beautiful graphics that she creates for her features and reviews.

Magan & Estelle @ Rather Be Reading
These two just had their blog re-designed and it is gorgeous. I love the colors that they chose to use, and I may be slightly obsessed with that header of theirs....

Rachel @ Hello, Chelly
Out of the three, Rachel's blog has the most minimalist design, which I also love. Her blog is clean, easy to navigate and still has fun punches of color to brighten things up.

Best Author Blogs

Susan Dennard
Susan gives amazing advice when it comes to writing and publishing, and her posts always feel spot on to me. I adore the casual, companionable tone she uses because it feels like we're just two friends having coffee when I read her blog.

Erin Bowman
Erin is a fellow Harry Potter fan, first of all, so that's a win. I love her brief book reviews and her various posts - also about writing, her books and reading.

Novaren Suma
Nova's candidness about her writing process, her books and her life are always so interesting. I love that she goes out of her way to promote books and authors too!


  1. Such awesome, awesome blogs! There are a few that I haven't heard of before so I am excited to be checking them out today :)

  2. Thanks so much for including me Alexa! I'm glad you enjoy my discussions - I learn a lot while I'm researching them, so it's nice to hear that that information is being passed on to other readers :D

    Rather Be Reading's blog re-design is just stunning - I couldn't agree with you more!

    I'm now off to check out a couple of these blogs that I haven't heard of!

    1. I think you do an incredible job with your discussions. While I aspire to do more discussion posts on the blog, I always end up admiring those of other people - like yours!

  3. Yes! I totally have to agree with you about these awesome blogs. :D I even have a couple of them on my lists! Including you :)

    1. It was such an honor to be included on your list! That category you picked out was pretty rad :)

  4. Thank you so much for including us, A. We are so incredibly honored and will always remember how supportive and friendly you are with us from day 1.


  5. I'm bookmarking this page because I'm not familiar with a couple of these blogs and I trust your opinions!! :)


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