February 23, 2013

2013 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon || Flash Giveaway #2

We're well underway when it comes to the Love-a-Thon, and I'd like to think that it's been a lot of fun so far. The responses to the mini-challenges have just been AWESOME, and I've enjoyed hopping around to see what everyone's been getting up to. (If you're still interested in checking out or participating in the event, there's this post to start you off!)

Right now, I'm throwing up a Love-a-Thon post that is not part of the schedule... and it involves another giveaway! I'm sure you're all excited, but before I tell you about the prizes, I'm going to have to tell you a little bit about our prize sponsor.

Lisa from Lisa is Busy Nerding is one of my all-time favorite bloggers and a wonderful friend, mostly because she totally OWNS who she is. She enjoys fantasy books, much like I do, and she's about to become a mom for the first time this year. She's super friendly and sweet, and her reviews and posts are always entertaining to read.

(Please note that these are a mix of ARCs and finished copies.)


  1. What an awesome giveaway!!! You ladies are amazing :)

  2. Lisa, you're freaking awesome also THANK YOU for doing this for the Love-A-Thon!


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