February 2, 2013

It Takes Two || February 2013

It Takes Two is a feature inspired by our (Cass and I) desire to push our genre/subject matter boundaries and try something different every month! We'll be picking a genre for the month, and then choosing two books to read from that genre - one well-known title, and one not-so-well-known/older title - and review on our blogs.

This month, it was Cassie's turn to choose what genre/subject matter we would be reading - and  she picked historical fiction! I love history. It was always one of my favorite subjects in school, and it gives me a little thrill to see it incorporated into stories that I love.

The books we picked out for this month are:

Out of the Easy book cover

Revolution book cover

Check back later in the month for our reviews, and for a linky where you can post yours!)

(Obviously, the feature name is inspired by a few things - the fact that there are two of us doing it, and that we'll be reading two books a month - but we'd both like to attribute the real inspiration to that movie from our childhood. If you have no idea what movie we're referring to, *gasp*, I suggest clicking right here.)

Do you want to read with us?

March's chosen genre/subject matter is fantasy.
We will be reading Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson and Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder


  1. Great feature and a lovely way to try new genres. I loved Revolution - it's a beautiful book. Will look forward to seeing what you think x


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