February 5, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Moments Like This

As always, this feature is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
It still seems surreal to me that I actually have ten moments to list for this week. Since I lived in New Jersey and now currently live up in the Bronx, I'm within commuting distance to New York City, and that leads to me attending my fair share of book events. I feel incredibly lucky to have experienced all these things, and I'm excited for the future events that might be coming my way!

the unmatched JK Rowling

1. Meeting J.K. Rowling was one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had. Her books were such an important part of my life growing up, and they will continue to be a part of my life forever.

2. BEA 2012 was the first time I ever attended a massive gathering of authors, publishers and bookish people. While it was certainly overwhelming on the first day, I managed to get the hang of it eventually and enjoyed myself in the end.

The National Book Festival in Washington DC

3. The National Book Festival in Washington DC is pretty much summed up by four words: meeting Jamie + John Green. It was a fun time, very relaxed compared to BEA, and I loved it.

4. Meeting Christopher Paolini is definitely something I will always be excited about. He's such an inspiration, having gotten published at a young age. Plus, his Inheritance cycle is SO GOOD.

David Levithan

5. Meeting David Levithan was so much fun! He's a great speaker, and I loved the stories/writing he shared with the audience.

Melina Marchetta, Kristin Cashore + Gayle Forman

6. Melina Marchetta, Gayle Forman & Kristin Cashore at Books of Wonder was definitely an event of epic proportions. Since I have now read books by all three of them, I can safely say that I was certainly awed by the awesome in the room that day. I also got to meet Sash and Rachel, and hang with Estelle.

book blogger friends!

7. Meeting some of my favorite bloggers in real life! It's always a treat to meet the person/people behind a blog, and I was fortunate enough to do it many times this year. I love the friends I've made via blogging, and I will continue to be excited about making new friends!

8. NaNoWriMoBattles with Susan Dennard & Sarah J. Maas may have been one of my favorite parts as a participant in NaNoWriMo this year. It motivated me to write constantly + consistently, as well as providing encouragement and a sense of camaraderie. Plus, these two are just plain awesome!

9. Collaborating with other bloggers! I'm loving the fact that I was able to collaborate with some of my fellow bloggers for things like a Throne of Glass celebration, Travel Tales + It Takes Two. It's always fun to work right alongside a friend!

10. Finishing a series that I absolutely loved (like Harry Potter or the Inheritance Cycle) always makes me happy. There's nothing quite as satisfying as reaching the end of a long, long journey, one where you're given the opportunity to grow up with these characters or in this world.


  1. Aw, that must have been so awesome to meet your blogging friend in rl. ^^ Ahh, that's so cool that you met J.K. Rowling, I would probably just faint in her presence, lol. ;) BEA sounds like lots of fun, a huge bookish convention for bookworm. Sounds like heaven!

  2. Our trip was definitely a highlight of last year for me! Despite the crazy to GET THERE! hahhah Good times!

  3. Eeeep JK Rowling!? Gayle Forman!? You've gotten to meet some great authors!
    I can't wait to actually meet some of my best blogging buds in real life :) BEA 2013! It'll happen! Then I can put it on my list for next year.
    Sounds like you've had a lot of great bookish experiences!!

  4. You've had so many great experiences, Alexa! I'm always super excited to read your posts on meeting authors. I wish my city had more authors come to it! :)

    I hope you have lots more memories to come!

  5. I loved Susan and Sarah's NaNoWriMo Battles! They were so fun and I loved getting to know you a little more because of NaNoWriMo! You've had some pretty awesome bookish moments my friend! :)

  6. I've never been to BEA but a lot of my friends have. One of these days I will go. Meeting J.K. Rowling sounds great!

  7. Hi Alexa! Found your blog through Susan's twitter, and I usually see you comment on pubcrawl as well. :)

    Ahh! You met JK Rowling! How cool!!!

    I loved the word battles as well, and intend to get back into the BAMF battles that Susan hosts these days. Both of them continue to be a huge inspiration for me as well.

    Wow, BEA and TNBF! I think this year I also want to go to a conference like that, but I don't know which one yet. I'm considering RT...also, I don't know anyone, so it might be a little scary. :)

  8. I want to meet J.K Rowling <3 I think I will make an absolute fool out of myself, just muttering and fangirling, but she created something that has a special place in my heart :) And I want to go to BEA, but it's not realistic at the moment. Poor student living in the Netherlands, I don't see it happen this year :( Awesome memories!


  9. Meeting J.K. Rowling would be a dream come true for me, that must've been an amazing experience!! *jealous* =D And Melina Marchetta.. ack!!! I love her!!

  10. I feel the same way about finishing series. I'm not the greatest at finishing them because my interest often fades away, but when I do actually finish one, I feel so warm inside and accomplished.

  11. I like the way you pointed to moments - and I'm jealous of like all of these :)

    I accidentally stumbled across the DC Book Festival one year and that was super fun. although I think I only saw chefs demonstrating from cookbooks? Nevertheless a fun afternoon!

  12. So many awesome memories! I wish I would have been as involved in bookish things when I lived back east. Maybe someday I'll find my way back! With BEA did you attend the whole thing or just like a day? I'm going to be in the area and could attend the power reader day. I'm just trying to decide if I should.

  13. Wow I am definitely jealous of your list!! You've met so many cool book people! LIKE JK Rowling!!! I'm trying to go to the DC book festival this year, it sounds fun!

    Here's My TTT

  14. AWWWW! These were great, Alexa!! And I'm seriously jelly over some of the authors and bloggy friends you've met! :D I hope we get to meet this year!!

  15. Meeting JK Rowling is on my bucket list. I don't know if it will happen because she's so incredible... so it's pretty amazing that you got to meet her :)

    I could never move to a rural area because I wouldn't be able to stand not having great book events to go to year round! It's one of the huge bonuses of being a book lover and living in Washington DC...

    Speaking of! I was at this year's National Book Festival too!!! We could have passed by each other without knowing it... I go every year and it's one of my favorite events! John Green was great!!! Gonna go check out your post on the Fest now...

    Great list of memories :)
    Lauren @ Hughes Reviews

  16. I've been into the Inheritance Cycle since Eragon first came out, and I still haven't finished the last book because I have to reread them all to pick up on the things I forgot because it takes so long for these amazing books to come out!! ARGH!! Very jealous you got to meet J.K. Rowling. She seems so down-to-earth and just plain awesome (you'd have to be to write Harry Potter).

  17. Oh man, I'm so happy you put finishing a series on there. That's so rad and such a great feeling. You are so wise!


  19. Right now, all I want is to move to NYC! Seriously jealous of the JK, Melina, Gayle and Kristin signings. SOOO AWESOME! I love that you included meeting favorite bloggers on here, too. So cool to meet the people behind the blog! And I love that you put finishing a series on your list because I totally identify with that one. Isn't it such a bittersweet moment when you close the final book in a favorite series. Sigh.

  20. I love that I live in NYC for the same reason! It was great meeting you last year, we need to hang again this year :)

  21. Those are some amazing highlights! It was so great meeting you at BEA last year--will I see you again this year? :)


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