February 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: It's a Snap Decision

As always, this feature is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
I actually do think that I have a shortlist of authors who, should they write a new book in any genre or about anything, I would immediately buy the book. For the sake of the list, I'm going to try to keep it to authors who I've read all or most of their books...


  1. I have J.K. and Rick Riordan on my list too!

  2. Great list! Maggie Stiefvater made my list now!

  3. I have Sarah Dessen on my list too :) And it will be awesome when Stephanie Perkins next book comes out!

  4. I have a few Dessen in my TBR pile but haven't read any of hers just yet. . .Paolini doesn't sounda familiar to me. . .I'm out of the loop there. Great choices!!!` Kristina

    1. Christopher Paolini wrote the amazing series that is The Inheritance Cycle. I highly recommend it!

  5. Cool list!! JK and Sarah Dessen made my list too :) I also LOVE Stephanie Perkins and can't wait for Isla!!

    Here's My TTT

  6. Stiefvater and Rowling are definitely near the top of my list! I'd also have to add David Levithan, Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child and Andy McDermott for more actiony stuff.

  7. This is the second list where I've seen Sarah Dessen and Stephanie Perkins! They are for sure on my auto-buy list now, too. :) Wonderful authors!

    Awesome list, Alexa!

  8. I see JKR made almost every list :D Great picks.
    I have yet to start on Riordan though.

  9. Ah, how did I NOT list JK Rowling? I concentrated on YA authors - had to or my list would have been insanely long. Stephanie Perkins is on my list, too! All it took was Anna/Lola to convince me. I'll read anything that lady writes.

    My Top Ten

  10. JK Rowling! I think it's safe to say she is definitely on my list since I shelled out $35 for The Casual Vacancy :/ Also can't agree more with Stephanie Perkins and Sarah Dessen!

  11. I love Sarah Dessen and I'm going to be reading Cinder in March so we will see what I think of that.

  12. YAY Stephanie Perkins! She's on my list, too, and lots of others as well! Understandably! I know that we have shared love over Maggie Stiefvater before, so no surprise that we share that author as well. I almost ALMOST put Marissa Meyer on my list! It was so close! Because I DIED over Cinder and Scarlet and can't wait for Cress (ditto for you I know!). Great list, Alexa!

  13. YES! I see all of your awesome fantasy authors on there! PERCY JACKSON FOREVAH.

  14. Thank you for putting Rick Riordan on this list! He deserves so much cred. I can't get enough of his books. And Marissa Meyer of course :) I just finished Scarlet (*SCREAMING*), so ya, she's awesome.

  15. Fantastic list! I'm not sure who Tamora Pierce is so I need to fix that immediately!

    1. Tamora Pierce is an amazing fantasy writer! Her series rock my socks off :)


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