January 2, 2013

Scarlet - Marissa Meyer

[This is the second book in the Lunar Chronicles. If you haven't started the series yet, you can check out my review of Cinder (Book 1) instead!]

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
Series: Lunar Chronicles #2
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Publication Date: February 5, 2013
Source: Borrowed from Magan (Thanks!) || ARC

Cinder, the cyborg mechanic, returns in the second thrilling installment of the bestselling Lunar Chronicles. She's trying to break out of prison--even though if she succeeds, she'll be the Commonwealth's most wanted fugitive.

Halfway around the world, Scarlet Benoit's grandmother is missing. It turns out there are many things Scarlet doesn't know about her grandmother or the grave danger she has lived in her whole life. When Scarlet encounters Wolf, a street fighter who may have information as to her grandmother's whereabouts, she is loath to trust this stranger, but is inexplicably drawn to him, and he to her. As Scarlet and Wolf unravel one mystery, they encounter another when they meet Cinder. Now, all of them must stay one step ahead of the vicious Lunar Queen Levana, who will do anything for the handsome Prince Kai to become her husband, her king, her prisoner.

Marissa Meyer is a GENIUS. My review could just simply consist of this statement, because it’s the truth. I felt this way after reading Cinder, but the feeling has intensified after being given the opportunity to read Scarlet. There is so much goodness in this book, that I don’t even know how to coherently discuss my feelings for it in this review – but I’m going to try.

After I had finished Cinder a little while back, I felt satisfied with the book, but of course, I wanted to find out more. And Scarlet certainly gives us more – adding new characters, revealing more about the plotting and scheming that Queen Levana is up to and even a completely different setting.

It was easier for me to get into the story (since I had recently finished Cinder). The pace of the story picked up very quickly, and I can’t complain – it made things that much more exciting to read about! So much happens in this book, both good and bad, but I don’t think it was too much going on at all. The reason why I feel that way is because everything ties together quite neatly; everything (every situation, every person) is connected to a larger picture. Sure, it’s a lot of information to put together. But it’s also spectacular how everything ends up intertwined – and how there’s still more left to come.

There are a few new characters in this book – Scarlet and Wolf and Thorne are my favorites. I think it was great to see a different cast in this one, along with the characters from Cinder, and these three I mentioned are great additions.

I loved Scarlet, and not just because she’s French. She’s a pretty strong-willed young woman, and I love her utter devotion to her grandmother. I can appreciate the fact that though she doesn’t know what she has to face, she will go after her grandmother no matter what – that type of loyalty to family is amazing to me. I also like how she appears to see the good in just about every other person (and actually speculates about their actions before deciding things).

I have a soft spot for both Wolf and Thorne. Wolf, because his character is completely intriguing and charming and frustrating – and elicited a lot of emotion from me; Thorne, because he was sarcastic and funny and added a lot of charm and humor to the story.

There are so many revelations and big moments in this book. I really don’t want to spoil anything for future readers, but just be warned that so many monumental things occur in the pages of this book. My jaw dropped quite a lot as I read, and there were times when I wanted to scream and cry and hit the book while I was reading. (I will even go so far as to say there was a part where I just kept saying no for a good five minutes, lost in my disbelief but unable to tear my eyes away from the page.) Scarlet is EPIC, you guys, and it’s just as awesome as Cinder was.

There’s only one problem with Scarlet, as far as I can tell. After reading it, I wanted to jump into Cress straight away – and I realized how long a wait I would have and wanted to cry.

So yes, this book is perfection to me. If you’ve read Cinder already and loved it, you must read Scarlet. If you haven’t read Cinder yet, you must. I fully endorse this series (and the fact that Marissa Meyer is absolutely brilliant), and will absolutely recommend it to interested parties. It’s just seriously that awesome.


  1. I feel like laughing and crying and hitting the wall in frustration because I'm SO VERY EXCITED for this book and I NEED IT NOW! I loved Cinder, but I had to get into the story, and now I need Scarlet in my life. Like, right now. I'm excited for the new characters, and especially for the amazing revelations! If only it were February... Wonderful review :)

    1. I loved this book. Loved, loved, loved it. I was so worried that it would have SBS (second book syndrome) but it really didn't. Marissa knew what she was doing when she wrote this one!

  2. I loved Cinder and I can't wait for Scarlet! Your review made the waiting even worse! I want it so badly! Time needs to speed up! It's awesome you loved it so much :)

    1. I'm so glad I helped you be even more excited for this one! I'm pretty excited to get a pretty finished copy in my hands too.

  3. Cinder was amazing and I have been DESPERATELY waiting on Scarlet, luckily it´s only 1 month away now! I can´t wait to meed all these new characters and especially Scarlet since you make her sound like a wonderful character :)

    1. Scarlet's another strong female addition to this series, and I love her just as much as Cinder. It's awesome that they're both such kick-butt characters!

  4. I still need to read Cinder and everyone's reviews of Scarlet are making me want to read it even more! I really should pick it up and see what all the fuss is about. :) I need an awesome book to read!

    1. You definitely should read Cinder! I mean, since it's very nearly time for Scarlet to be released, you could always wait till that happens too ;) Tweet me if you do read it!

  5. I am such a HUGE fan of Cinder and am dying for Scarlet. I like how Marissa is piecing everything together like that since it's supposed to be 4 books coming together. I can't wait to see how it all ends. I' ve heard Wolf is a fav character for a lot of people and I seriously wanna know more. I loved Prince Kai and Iko in Cinder. LOL, after reading what you wrote, I'm wondering if I should wait until Cress is closer to being released! I hate the wait!!!

    Confessions of a Vi3tBabe
    Deity Island

    1. I'm a Cinder fan as well! I think Marissa is definitely smart when it comes to her plotting and planning, because these two books fit together like a glove. Seriously dying for Cress now!

  6. Wow! Awesome review! I'm really looking forward to reading this!!!

  7. Oh my! How can you do this to me. The wait is already so hard and long, but now I'm DYING to read Scarlet. Cinder was definitely a wonderful surprise to me, because I'm normally not such a fan of Sci-Fi. The unique use of the fairytale blew me away and I can't wait to see how these two stories blend together in this book. Thorne sounds great, I always fall for boys with sarcasm :p I'm so happy to hear that this book delivers and doesn't suffer the second-book-syndrom!


    1. Thorne is a great character! I really think I need more of him in my life, because he made me laugh and he definitely lightens things up a bit.

  8. I loved Thorne!!! He was so hilarious and a great foil for the very serious Cinder. I can; believe how long we have to wait for the next book :(

    Kate @ Ex Libris

    1. I KNOW. I love that I got to read this one early, but seriously, Cress seems so far away! :(

  9. How could you, Alexa? Now, I have to have a copy of Scarlet! This review is perfect. I loved Cinder and I have been eagerly awaiting Scarlet, but your review totally got to me. Scarlet sounds fantastic! I'll definitely be preordering this one :)

    1. You MUST read it as soon as you get it because it's fabulous! Marissa does a great job adding to her series :)

  10. I absolutely loved Scarlet! What a fantastic follow up! No sophomore slump here. Marissa Meyers soars! What a great review!

  11. I'm so jealous you got your hands on this already, but also so glad that you loved it! I'm so incredibly excited for this book because I adored Cinder! I will definitely be re-reading Cinder before jumping into Scarlet because I want to immerse myself in the world all over again. :)

    And I can't wait to meet Marissa when she tours in February! Yay!

    Lauren @ Hughes Reviews

    1. I hope I get the opportunity to meet her as well! It's going to be really awesome if and when that happens :)

  12. I am extremely jealous of you and excited for me when this finally comes out and I can wrap my arms around it and devour it. I haven't read a book like Cinder in so long. It is so uniquely beautiful and awe-inspiring. Scarlet can't come soon enough!

    1. It's coming soon (especially since I'm replying to this comment late). But yes, the wait is nearly over - and you'll get to meet Scarlet, Thorne and Wolf!

  13. I am so completely excited for this book to come out you have no idea!

  14. YAY I totally agree about the pace picking up in this one. I really loved Scarlet as well and it definitely helps she's French, ha. I liked this one heaps more than Cinder and I can't wait for Cress.

    1. The wait for Cress just might kill me. It's going to take forever E :(

  15. I haven’t read any of Marissa Meyer's work before, but your review has sparked my interest. I’ll have to check Scarlet and Cinder out, since they sound like something that I’d like to read. :)

    1. Oh YAY! I'm sincerely glad that I was able to introduce you to the amazing Marissa Meyer and her series. She's a wonderful writer!

  16. I can't wait for Scarlet! Cinder was so AWESOME.

    And, yeah, Marissa Meyer is a genius.

  17. I absolutely LOVED Scarlet also! It was even better than I thought it would be!! Awesome review :D

  18. I was in love with Cinder, so I can't wait to experience Scarlet! The revelations you speak of DEFINITELY pique my interest! :)

    1. Girl, everything's about to GO DOWN. We find out just a bit more about the world and the enemy and everything. Plus, you know, we get romance AND friendship in there as well ;)

  19. I'm so excited for Scarlet! (And, frankly, slightly jealous of all you reviewers for getting to read it before me :P). Cinder was definitely my favorite 2012 book, so I have high expectations for this- which it looks like it lives up to :D

    1. I hope you enjoy it! It's nearly time for it to be released into the wild ;)


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