January 22, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Oh, The Places We Will Go!

As always, this feature is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This is actually a very easy topic for me to come up with ten items for! I'm all about great settings, and it's always a bonus when an author writes a setting that comes across as authentic. (It's all in the details, I tell you!) If anyone is aware of books that feature these settings, let me know in the comments!

For as long as I can remember, I've had a particularly fascination with ancient Egyptian mythology + culture. While I certainly don't think that things are the same in the Egypt of today, I still find the idea of Egypt mystical and wonderful.

(bonus points for: the Philippines, Korea + Japan) I'm Asian, and I lived over there for almost half of my life. While there are a few books I can point you to that feature the culture, I'm thinking we need more, more, more. I'm particularly enamored with the idea of setting a YA book in my homeland (the Philippines), or in a place that successfully blends modern with history and culture (Japan), or in a place that's beautiful and quirky (Korea).

I've always had an interest in the story of the Romanovs. When I was still in college, I spent a whole afternoon in the library just reading about the Romanov family - and not as a requirement, but because I wanted to. There's something interesting and very intriguing about Russian culture.

After reading Origin last year, I found myself fascinated with the Amazon rainforest. It sounds so mysterious, so dense and so enormous that so many different kinds of stories could possibly be set there.

(bonus points for: England, France + Greece) - There are probably a lot of books set in Europe, but I still have a soft spot for this continent. There's something about that adorable accent (England), the food (France) and the ancient history (Greece) that will always call out to me.

There's something positively charming about the culture down South, which I had to study a little bit in college. The rules of society, and the way people behave and interact are very interesting and I wouldn't mind finding more books set there.

I've fallen more and more in love with this city the longer I've lived/worked/played in it, so it's a no brainer why I put it on this list. There's a constant hustle + bustle here, and there's always something new to discover!

While I probably wouldn't last very long in the actual desert, I always think it would make the most epic setting for a dystopian novel or part of a fantasy novel. It certainly seems majestic (although I'd probably complain about sand in my shoes!)

No one ever gets sick of reading novels set at the beach, especially in the summer when you're actually at the beach. Or maybe that's just me.

I love the idea of kingdoms and royalty, thus the castles. Castles are not only homes, but they serve as the setting for grand adventures - what with the endless secret passages, tunnels, various rooms and floors and more.


  1. I would love to read more books set in Egypt (have you read the Kane Chronicles? I really want to get to those!) and the Amazon and, obviously, New York! And there are never enough stories about castles... love the illustrations you added! :)

    1. I've read The Kane Chronicles! Rick Riordan happens to be one of my favorite authors, so I've read nearly everything he's written till now.

      And thanks! I drew them myself. I'm very basic when it comes to art ;)

    2. I love love love the Percy Jackson series, but I have yet to pick up Heroes of Olympus/Kane Chronicles. I hope they're just as good :)

  2. Castles are a popular choice, I would not mind at all.
    The Amazon is something I haven't seen yet but I've read a book with that theme once and really liked it. Great choice.

    My TTT

    1. Yes, I've only read one book set in the Amazon and now I want MORE.

  3. Your post came out SO cute! I love it. Have you read Cleopetra's Daughter? Tara lent it to me, and maybe it's something you want to look into. :)

    I always say... more books about the beach the better! Remember how badly we wanted to escape last year?

    1. Aww, thanks! I tried to draw, but I'm not a professional artist haha.

      And now, I haven't, but now I think I must try it. Thanks for the rec!

      We really need to escape right now. Seriously. It's cold and dreary - and we could use somewhere nice and warm!

  4. THESE ARE SO ADORBS!! Love love your list esp Asia and your reason for Russia! <3

    1. Thanks E! I love that we're both passionate about finding more books set in or inspired by Asia ;)

  5. PRECIOUS. Seriously, didnt realize you drew those! :-D I WANT TO SEE MORE DESERT settings!! AND NY AND SOUTHERN. OMG southern boys. YUM!!

    1. I wanted to do something unique with this post, and this is what I could think of! Haha, and yes, Southern boys and their accents <3

  6. Those drawins are too, too cute. I agree with all of these settings, especially the castles one. Seriously, who doesn't dream of living in a castle? MAKE OUR DREAMS COME TRUE!

    1. WE NEED TO OWN A CASTLE TWIN. WE MUST. It should be in both our marriage vows, lol. And thank you!

  7. Great choices, Alexa! If you want to read a great book set in Egypt (and are open to historical fiction) then check out The Alexander Cipher by Will Adams. It's very Indiana Jones-ish and the setting is a part of what makes this series SO entertaining to read!

    I added The Amazon to my list as well because it has all the potential to be super exotic and creepy at the same time. SO GOOD!

    1. Ooh, I think I'm going to check that one out now. Thanks for the recommendation! And I'm glad we share a fascination for the Amazon and both put it on our lists this week :)

  8. Bonus points for the Southern US! Books set down here are my FAVORITE (I'm not biased or anything living smack dab in the middle of it!)! I honestly will read anything set in the South. I definitely would love to read more books that take place in Europe - especially Greece - and Russia; loved that you spent an entire afternoon VOLUNTARILY reading about the Romanovs!

    1. RIGHT? I need more books set in the South. And in Russia, because seriously, that country is awesome and full of interesting history.

  9. We definitely have some similarities. I would LOVE more Russia and New York. I haven't read much of either, surprisingly. I love your little illustrations by the way! They're cute :)

    1. Thanks! And yes, I need more books set in Russia. I've read a few in NYC, but I could always make room for more :)

  10. I am obsessed with Russia and their tumultuous history! There are so many crazy stories that would make a great and terrifying novel. Like Ivan the Terrible? Any villain based off of that guy would be so intense.

  11. I love books set in Russia - the Southern US fascinates me endlessly! Great picks, it's got my own wanderlust going now!

    1. I know, right? Everyone's posts this week made me want to go to ALL of these awesome places.

  12. "There's something positively charming about the culture down South..."

    This is true. I love the South so much. I love books set down here too! (Also, I'm thrilled to meet you at BEA hopefully because I'm totally bringing the South up there. Be ready.)

    1. PLEASE DO. I would be so psyched to meet you! <3

  13. I'd love to read books set in castles, Egypt, and the Amazon! :) My TTT list: http://aliceinreaderland.wordpress.com/2013/01/21/settings/

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  14. I'd love to see more books taking place in Japan. I spent half my college career studying the language and the culture, so I'm kind of partial to the place. I won't be heading there anytime soon though, so I figure the least I can do it travel there in books!

    - Jackie

  15. I love your little doodle sketches for this one XD so cute. I also want to see more books that take advantage of eastern cultures. Fiction is way too rooted in NA society. Break out, already! Haha. And more beaches. Definitely more beaches. My TTT :)

  16. I would love to read more books based in the South too! And yes to more books about Russia, especially with the Romanovs!

    Great list! :)

  17. Oh my goodness, the pictures on this are ADORABLE. And you're so right, we don't see enough of these. I'd like to see more Asia and Russia in particular...

  18. I think Russia is so fascinating too! I actually want to read several books by Robert Massie about the Romanov family - they all look so good!

    And woohoo for the South! Have you ever read Gone With the Wind? If not, add it to your list! It's a big book but goes sooo quickly.

    Yay castle! Totally agree on that one :)

  19. I thought this topic was easy too!

    Ancient Egypt is such a fascinating culture and so different from our own that I want stories set there too (and it kind of goes along with your desert wish!)

    I've enjoyed every book so far featuring Asian culture that I've picked up. Most of them have ended up making me hungry too! Authors who describe food... drool...

    I've got a total fascination with Russia and the Romanovs too! And there's something about all the fur and snow and trains and burly men and ballet... I want more!

    And who doesn't want more castles? I'd like to see some sort of present day/past mystery novel where there's flashbacks or something as the present tries to figure out what happened in a castle a long time ago. Something that uses a castles history... I dunno. Just thought of it. But sounds cool!

    Awesome list :)
    Lauren @ Hughes Reviews

  20. Great Top Ten :) So glad I know about your blog.

    Check out my Top Ten:



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