December 20, 2012

Take a Bow - Elizabeth Eulberg

Take a Bow Elizabeth Eulberg book cover
Take a Bow by Elizabeth Eulberg
Publisher: Point
Publication Date: April 1, 2012
Source: Bought || Hardcover

Emme, Sophie, Ethan and Carter are seniors at a performing arts school, getting ready to tackle this last hurdle before they graduate - the Senior Showcase. Each one of them has a gift: Sophie sings, Emme composes songs, Ethan is a singer/songwriter and Carter is an actor. But as the showcase approaches, each one of them discovers that maybe there's more to them than what they already know - and that these things can either make them or break them.

Take a Bow is certainly a cute novel, and it already earns extra brownie points with me because it's set  in New York. As a fan of creative arts - like writing, musical composition and the like - it was wonderful to see the arts featured in a story! There has definitely been a rise in YA novels that feature characters with particularly creative talents, and I am loving that new trend. It was definitely fun to read this story, and to meet this interesting (and very talented, obviously) group of characters!

Even though I loved most of them, my hesitations about this novel came with the characters. This does not apply at all, mind you, to Emme and Carter, who I thought had such interesting stories within the bigger framework story. Their real friendship, their individual talents and plots were just addictive and I was definitely rooting for them from beginning to end. Emme is a totally me character, while Carter is a guy I could (and probably would) fall for in real life.

No, this hesitant feeling is only applicable to Ethan and to Sophie, the two other characters we encounter in the novel. I felt detached from Ethan for most of the novel. He did manage to win me over eventually, but I was sad that it took me a while to warm up to his character. Sophie, on the other hand, is a girl I just could not like AT ALL. I had hope that she would "redeem" herself, but she never did.

Story-wise, one of the things that I was expecting to encounter was the pressure and difficulty that come hand in hand with pursuing the arts as a future, especially since this was set in a competitive arts high school. Though there were certain moments when that feeling would ghost over me, I never truly felt it, which is why the book was a little bit lacking to me.

It was fun to tag along with these characters (except Sophie, of course) as they experienced their senior year in high school. The paths they chose were definitely unconventional (to me anyway, since I grew up with friends who wanted more "practical" careers), but that's what made this story so special and so hopeful. These characters lived and breathed and wanted and strived to achieve their lifelong passions, and I thought that was a very inspiring thing to read about. Everyone got what they deserved in the end, and that left me with a warm, satisfied feeling when I turned the last page.


  1. I enjoyed Emme and Carter's chapters best too! I like the friendship they formed and how she encouraged him. I didn't like Sophie either (I don't think anyone does lol) and I see what you mean about Ethan. I thought it was a fun, quick read. Great review!

    1. Emme + Carter are pretty much the embodiment of the kind of guy/girl friendship that I would want to have!

  2. I haven't read this yet, but I love books about pursuing your dreams and books that make it seem possible, ya know what I mean?

    I am not sure how I'd handle not being into two of the main characters, but otherwise Take A Bow sounds great.

    1. I liked the overall message in the book, and I think its worth reading just for the Emme + Carter chapters ;)

  3. This isn't the typical book that I like to read but I might just have to give it a try. Great review!
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

    1. Well, it's a new year and that's always a good time to try something new. I hope you end up liking it!

  4. This one always reminds me of that movie Fame. Something about a school of arts always appeals to me! I've heard similar complaints/reactions to the characters, so you're not alone!

    1. I know! I love books that feature characters with creative talents, especially in the performing arts!

  5. I really liked the sounds of this book when it first came out. I think the idea for a book about a performing arts school rocks! But I read The Lonely Hearts Club and pretty much hated it, so I'm scared to read this one and Prom and Prejudice :(

    1. Oh no! I actually really liked The Lonely Hearts Club more than this one ;)

  6. I struggled with the characters as well which was really sad for me because I have loved Eulberg's previous books so much.

    1. Right? I loved the characters in The Lonely Hearts Club, but was a little sad at the fact I didn't love all the characters in this one.

  7. It's always difficult when you can't connect with some characters but I do like that it ended well and some books are just good, and not absolutely amazing, which is ok!

    1. Yup! I'm sure there are people who really loved this one, but it probably just wasn't for me in a way :)

  8. It's never easy to read about characters one cannot connect with! But like you, I love reading books about creative arts so this will be right up my alley! Also, because of the satisfied ending, all's well that ends well I guess.

    Great review, Alexa!

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

    1. I'm just glad that story moved along at a nice pace, and that I could at least root for Emme + Carter!

  9. This looks like a great book! And I love music books, so this sounds PERFECT for me!! I still have an Elizabeth Eulberg book on my to-read list for the upcoming weeks, so I can't wait to get to that ... her books definitely look charming!

    1. It's a cute book, to be sure. And I like the whole performing arts high school, though I wish there'd been more about it!

  10. Emme and Carter were my favorite too! But I did enjoy reading the book.


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