November 22, 2012


This year, there are so many things I am grateful for: my amazing family, my wonderful husband-to-be, my supremely awesome friends old and new, the places that I've been privileged to visit, the opportunities that I've been granted and the memories that I've made and have come to cherish. I am grateful most of all for the God that has saved me, and for the grace and love with which He has showered my life.

I strive to be grateful every single day of my life, although that's never easy. But I think there's something extra special about being to celebrate this day of thankfulness along with everyone else, as we all get a chance to be grateful.

Since this is my book blog, I think it's appropriate to express how thankful I am for the publishers and authors that I have gotten the opportunity to work with. It's been an honor to be a part of promoting a book, whether officially or unofficially, and I am grateful every day that I am given this chance.

Most of all, I am thankful for my fellow readers and book bloggers. I've made many awesome friends through this little blog of mine, and I am so, so grateful, possibly more than any of you could know. It's always a joy to share my thoughts on books and other things with you all, and to feel a kinship and understanding between us. I am so happy to be able to call many of you that read this blog a friend, and I look forward to meeting many, many more of you.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I don't celebrate Thanksgiving but I am thankful for many of those things too. I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend, Alexa! :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, but it's good to stop and think about all the things you're thankful for every now and then :)


  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Alexa! I don't celebrate the occasion but it's always good to be thankful for what one has in life. =)

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

    P.S. Check out my Blogoversary Giveaway!

  4. Aww Alexa, I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. <333

  5. Very well said!! Happy Thanksgiving :)
    Little Book Star

  6. Aww, great post Alexa! I'm thankful for the blogging community, too. They really help me keep it together! :)

  7. A super late but still meaningful HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you miss Alexa! I am thankful every day that blogging has led me to great friends like you! Meeting you and other awesome book bloggers was most definitely at the top of my "Things to be thankful for" list this year. Love you awkward twin!


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