October 26, 2012

Slowly, And Then All At Once • The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars John Green book cover
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Publisher: Dutton Books
Publication Date: January 10, 2012
Source/Format: Bought || Hardcover

Sixteen-year-old Hazel Grace is currently in remission for thyroid cancer, but her diagnosis at 13 changed everything - her high school life, her friendships and even her relationship with her parents. One day at her cancer support group, she meets Augustus Waters - and that moment defines what happens next in her life. Through various ups and downs, shenanigans and conversations, Hazel rediscovers what's important, what's real and, of course, falls in love.

The problem I have with writing my review of The Fault in Our Stars is that so much has already been said about this book. I feel like I would just be reiterating everything that I’ve already read or seen on someone else’s blog by doing this post. But I love John Green – he’s brilliant and unique and totally awesome – and I do feel like I really want to pay tribute to him through this review. 

This is the third John Green book that I’ve read, and it has temporarily replaced An Abundance of Katherines as my favorite. It may be a typical reaction, considering that there are so many people who love this book as much as I do. But I think it’s a testament to how amazing this book is. 

The Fault in Our Stars reaches all kinds of readers (and even non-readers), handles a delicate subject matter gracefully and with good humor, and is written in the trademark witty rhythm that Green has down pat. In the end, despite all our individual differences, many readers will enjoy this book because it’s so moving

Unlike many who have read the book, I didn’t end up in tears – but that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t deeply, profoundly moved by what I read because I definitely was. Instead, I found that I laughed out loud quite a bit while I was reading, which I definitely wasn’t expecting. It’s rare that a book will have me beaming and actually laughing out loud, and so, credit must be given to this story for doing just that. 

One thing that I completely agree with when it comes to the many reviews I’ve read – Augustus is such a character and I don’t just mean literally. He’s just got such an amazing presence, as evidence by the fact that he truly leapt off the pages. I was won over by his kindness, his positivity and just how gosh darn sweet and genuine he came across. And I love the fact that we get to see the grittier, realer, more nervous and insecure side of him at times. There is so much to Gus and I love that he felt so real to me. 

The Fault in Our Stars is beautifully written, showcasing a story filled with warmth, authenticity, positivity and lots of hope. I highly recommend it, and truly think that many readers will come away from the novel just as I did – lighter, happier and a whole lot more hopeful about life.


  1. Apart from a few falling tears, I didn't cry so it's nice to hear I wasn't the only one who didn't sob like a baby though saying that, it was a very emotional and moving story.

    Augustus is such a character and I don’t just mean literally. He’s just got such an amazing presence, as evidence by the fact that he truly leapt off the pages. - Yes, yes, yes! His presense just lights up the room. He's kind and he's caring and I think that everyone who meets him can agree that it was a pleasure to make his acquaintance.

    Your right, so much has already been said about The Fault in Our Stars and I can get that you might think that everything has already been said, which is probably true, but you know what? Your review is one of the best I've read. You nail it and if I hadn't already, I'd be running of to get myself a copy this instant. ♥

  2. Even if there are hundreds more reviews of TFiOS out there, I still want to read your thoughts on it & I'm so glad you posted this review :) I found myself laughing quite a bit too, which is weird, but then not so weird. This is John Green after all! I love that he has the ability to tug at our hearts, yet send us off laughing hysterically just pages later.

  3. I was laughing pretty much from the first mention of them being in the literal heart of Jesus. Green is so good at writing humor, and it's important to have that in books like this. Great review. Glad to see you liked it.

  4. Okay, I know you're going to kill me but I still haven't read anything by John Green yet. I know! I know! It's on my list, I swear! Please don't hurt me... ::grovels::

    Between you and Jamie absolutely RAVING about him, I don't see how I have any other choice. I've heard so many great things about his writing---that it's poignant, witty and touching. I guess I've stalled a bit because books like this have a tendency to make me blubber like a baby, but after reading your simple yet very effective review, I think I'm going to make TFIOS my introduction to the wonderful world of Mr. John Green.

  5. I was also a non-crier, but no less affected. I have 9 pages of handwritten quotes from out of that book. It's just so wonderfully written. By far one of the best I've done this year.

    I too have waited to review it...still waiting actually. It's like, there's so much to say, and it's kind of all been said...considering just doing a post of all my favorite quotes at some point in time. The falling in love like you fall asleep quote is by far my favorite ;) Just reading your review reminded me how much I loved the experience of reading this one...

  6. I still have to read this the reviews amaze me. I'm not one to cry because of books at all so I doubt I will, but like you it doesn't mean it doesn't affect me emotionally. I feel like i need to be mentally prepared before I go into this one. Lovely review, Alexa!

  7. I think you definitely paid tribute to John Green with your awesome review :) That man is a sheer genius and I will devour every single book he ever writes.

  8. Amazing review for such an amazing book! I was one that cried reading TFiOS, but it made me feel a lot in general, too. It was such an overwhelming read, in the best of ways.

  9. Alexa this is an AMAZING review. One of the best I have read on TFIOS. When I began reading TFIOS I was like " Nah, I won't cry..." and then it was at an unexpected moment in the book that I just started letting tears flow..

  10. I must admit with a bit of shame, that I haven't read any of his works yet - and people surely seem to love his work. This book is high on my list, because it sounds amazing. Every review I've read so far knows how to convince me to give it a shot soon. I loved how you described this book, great job! :)

  11. I really loved this story. Like you, I didn't cry either, but it was still a great story. John Green has such a knack to write something that'll make you laugh and cry at the same time. I love it!

  12. I have yet to read a John Green book but I am determined to change that soon. Wonderful review!

  13. Ahhh Augustus. He definitely lept off the pages. Fully fleshed & in 3D.

  14. I'll give it a read. I could use some hope, who couldn't? :-)

  15. aw, such a lovely review!! this was the second john green book i read but i did enjoy it. i am seriously so impressed you did not really cry in this book but i love that you're so moved by it. <3

  16. Yay, I'm so glad you hearted this book as much as I did. I must admit, I bawled like a baby. The laughter was there, but it was just so, so sad. My heart...it hurt!

    Fabulous review, hon!

  17. This book, oh gosh this book <3 <3 <3 It pulled at my heart SO MUCH! I loved that you loved this so incredibly much but honestly, there was no doubt in my mind that you would!

  18. I didn't really sob while reading this either, but I felt so heavy with feelings afterwards.

    Further, Augustus was such an awesome character, he really did have presence during the book and I loved that.

    I also loved Hazel as main character.

    It's awesome seeing how much my friends all loved The Fault In Our Stars. :-)

  19. I have seen all the rave reviews for this one, and it does sound like it is an amazing book. It is one of those that I am not ready to pick up, it hits a little to close to home for me and my family. Maybe soon. I am happy that you enjoyed it. Wonderful review.

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