October 4, 2012

A Proposal Story

If you've read my About Me page, then you'll know that I'm engaged to the love of my life.

This is the love of my life - Macky.

We've been together for (unofficially) seven years now, and we're getting married next September.

This is the story of how he proposed to me.

It happened in a bookstore, on the 25th of April.

Macky and I had gone to Fully Booked in Fort Bonifacio (which is probably the biggest bookstore in the Philippines, and one of my favorite places in the world!) in order to check out the mini-theater venue in the basement that he’d rented for his birthday concert.

When we arrived, we found out that someone was currently using the area, so we couldn’t actually go in and check everything out. Instead of leaving to find somewhere to eat, we ended up going to Starbucks for a bite before we hit up my (obviously) favorite section in the store – the young adult books located on the second floor.

I walked up and down the aisles, looking at the books and pointing out titles I thought Macky might like. He wasn’t paying as much attention to me as I expected, but I figured it was normal since I’m really still the bigger bookworm out of the two of us.

Eventually, we had covered the entire YA section and were standing in the last row before the cookbooks/food section started. He suddenly dropped the backpack he’d been carrying and rifled through it to take out his laptop. I was highly amused when he asked me if I could check out the Powerpoint presentation he’d made for the concert, but I agreed since I’d already promised to help fix it up a little bit.

He opened up a presentation, and then flicked on over to iTunes to start playing the song that went along with it, before turning so I could see the screen. It made me smile, the presentation, as it flashed photos of many of my favorite Disney couples – Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and Jasmine, Simba and Nala, and so on. Plus, the lyrics were beautiful and made me feel all sentimental since I could tell it was an original song he’d written.

At some point, I cracked a joke that people would think he was proposing to me with this song if he performed it at the concert. He just smiled and shook his head, before handing me the laptop and bending down to dig in his bag for a flash drive to store the presentation on for me. I continued to watch the presentation, smiling as the photos were suddenly photos of us in all the six or so years we’d been together.

As the music swelled, I turned to my left to make a silly comment, but all the words flew out of my mouth when I saw him on one knee, ring in hand, a question in his eyes.

Placing the laptop on a conveniently located shelf, I immediately jumped into his arms, saying only one thing over and over again – yes.


  1. LOVED getting to hear this story as we walked around DC! SO SWEEEEET! <333

  2. I love this! So sweet and perfect! :)

  3. Oh my...that's such a wonderful story. I got a bit teary :-) he sounds lovely.

  4. What a beautiful story! A proposal in a bookstore is perfect for you :)

  5. Ah. How precious and sweet. That's just awesome. And it happened on my birthday which I clearly appreciate, not that the date has any similar significance for you all. He pretty much rules the roost for a bookstore proposal. : )

  6. Ahh what a sweet story!!!! Thanks so much for sharing with us, Alexa! :)

  7. That's so sweet, congrats to you guys!

  8. This is just too cute and it sounds like it was totally the perfect moment for you. Congratuations and thanks for sharing that beautiful story!

  9. What an adorable (and fitting) proposal! He sounds like a keeper :)

  10. Such a sweet, romantic story! Thanks for sharing and congratulations! I am so, so happy for you. :-)

  11. this story makes me smile so big eeeee, so so excited and happy for you!! <3 <3 <3

  12. Oh jeez, why so proposal stories always make me SO teary?! GAH! A bookstore?! That is just too freaking perfect. Congrats, Alexa, and thanks for sharing! Cute cute cute.

  13. How perfect! And Congrats! Even if it is belated...

  14. EEeeeeeee that's so wonderful! I'm ever so happy for you both :) Congratulations! xxx

  15. I'm glad the laptop survived. ;) I pretty sure I would have let it fall to the floor!

    Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story, Alexa. And congratulations too! :)

  16. Oh my word <3 <3 <3 Alexa, this is by far the cutest, sweetest, most bookishly-awesome-yet-real life romantic thing I've ever read. I know I've expressed my congrats to you before but I am truly soooo happy you are with your forever person <3

  17. My heart is swelling! Aww, this is such a beautiful story and one that will be shared time and time again. And in a bookstore! Seriously, so sweet!

    Congratulations, Alexa! ♥

  18. That is SO adorable!!!! Congrats congrats :) You guys look so perfect together.

  19. Awww .... what a great story, Alexa!!! And a lovely proposal!! :) Thank you for sharing!

  20. Awww, honey! That is one of the sweetest stories I've ever heard! A proposal in a bookstore, OMG! I already said it before, but I'm SO happy for both of you! You look so cute together in the pictures!
    May you always be as in love as you are now!

  21. Love this!! Congratulations :D

  22. You guys are cute and that story is cute and everything is just cute, cute, cute! Seriously, I got a happy heart reading that :D

  23. Aww, that's so sweet, Alexa! How had I not heard this story yet? I love it! Wishing you guys so many congratulations and happy years together. :)

  24. Oh, Alexa, this is the sweetest thing ever!!!!!! So romantic!!!!

  25. FINALLY READING THIS! Such a cute story :) Too cute! Congrats lady =D

  26. Awwwww.... I just found this story from the link in your resolutions post! This is AWESOME and just so adorable! I love that we had similar proposal stories, but your fiancé just added that unique touch with the powerpoint presentation and the song ... you've got a pretty special guy =) Wishing you both all the best with the wedding planning and the big day itself. Enjoy every moment because it goes by way, way too fast!

  27. Aaand I'm probably the last person EVER to read this post, because I completely missed it the first time around. But you totally just made my morning; I have tears in my eyes and a huge smile on my face. That is SO beautiful! Super belated, but CONGRATULATIONS! ♥

  28. Ahhh my eyes started tearing up as I read this! That is so adorable! Bookstore proposals are the best proposals!


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