October 2, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Unforgettable Reads

As always, this feature is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Choosing the titles for this list was no easy feat. There are a lot of books and series that I've read and loved over the years, and it certainly made it hard for me to pick which ones I didn't want other people to miss out on reading! But, thankfully, I think I've managed to narrow it down to ten...

1. Song of the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce

In general, I absolutely love Tamora Pierce. She is an amazing writer, and I'm a huge fan of her characters. I'm grateful that Macky got me hooked on reading her books, and I will always, always, always be a strong advocate of her series!

2. Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix

Yet again, this was another series that Macky got me started on. I think the concept behind this series is incredibly unique, as well as intriguing. I love what he did with this story, and I'm so excited that he's writing another novel in this world, this time about Clariel.

3. Anne of Green Gables series by L.M. Montgomery

I absolutely adored this series, mostly because I could see a lot of myself in Anne. It was great fun to read about Anne as she grew up, experienced all these different things, and eventually fell in love. She's certainly one of the most interesting fictional characters to me!

4. Little House series by Laura M. Ingalls

If there was one series I was obsessed with as a child, it would be this one. I just could not stop reading about this incredible family, and their journey. I thought it was so cool to learn about their journey, and to grow up along with the characters in the book.

5. Animorphs series by K.A. Applegate

My best friend and I were both obsessed with this series, what with their awesome covers and the little morphing flipbook on the corners of the right hand pages. Just reading about their adventures dealing with the Yeerks and the Andalites was exciting and different, plus I loved checking out which animals they'd morph into.

6. Fearless series by Francine Pascal

This series is actually one that I never finished, and I remembered it today when I was thinking about this list. I really liked it, mostly because I thought it was cool and different.  Reading about Gaia was interesting, because she's a character with basically no fear.

7. Inheritance cycle by Christopher Paolini

I love books about dragons, and this series is definitely one of my favorites. It's not just the story that I love (and this reminds me, by the way, that I need to read the last book in the series), or the characters. I also love the story behind this book - Christopher Paolini is certainly an inspiration.

8. Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell

I reread this book a million times (or so) when I was younger, because I thought it was so good. I love that it's a story of survival and of friendship, and plus, I was endlessly fascinated with dolphins when I was younger. I also used to trick my sister into playing a game patterned after the book...

9. The Books of Pellinor by Alison Croggon

I discovered this series on accident, because I picked up the first book on a whim. I was pleasantly surprised at how invested I was after it, so I picked up the next one - and the rest is history. I loved the way this series was written, as well as the history/culture/magic written into it.

10. Graceling by Kristin Cashore

This book was another surprise to me, as I picked it up in a bookstore at whim. I didn't know I would love it as much as I did (which is LOADS) and I still think Katsa and Po are the cutest thing ever. Plus, you know, Katsa is totally kickass.


  1. I really need to read Graceling. Everyone says that it's an awesome series, so I must make the time to read it soon!

    My Top Ten

  2. Man, The Little House series is definitely a great one! And Animorphs!? AMAZING! I'm a bit ashamed to say I haven't read the Anne of Green Gables series yet, though I know it's a must.

  3. I LOVE that you mentioned Anne of Green Gables! That's one of my favorites :)

  4. Cool List... Little House and Anne of Green Gables are awesome!! Fearless was good too!
    My TTT

  5. Fearless, ahhh!!! You totally made my day by mentioning that series. I never finished it either, but I have a bunch of the installments in storage and I do wonder how it all ended. Gaia was so awesome!

  6. Love 3 &4 and haha I totally remember animorphs!

  7. This is so old school and I LOVE IT!!!!!

  8. Hi-Five for Anne of Green Gables and Graceling! The Anne books had me mesmerized! And Graceling was beyond awesome.

  9. Great list! Love Abhorsen, Anne of GG, and LH. Always wanted to read Animorphs. Island of Blue Dolphins is great and it lead me to reading all of his books, an under appreciated author by far!

    Here's my TTT

  10. Shamefully, I have not read most of these but THEY ARE ON MY LIST!! I see Gabriel right now and I have Tamora Pierce to read one day.

  11. Tamora Pierce, the Graceling series, AND Anne of Green Gables?! We must be friends, ASAP.

    My TTT: http://shelversanon.blogspot.com/2012/10/top-10-tuesday-top-ten-older-books-you.html

  12. I forgot about Animorphs! So good! Great list.

  13. I really want to give Animorphs series a try just to say I have haha. I'm uber curious about it! Great list!!

  14. There are books you listed that I remember reading growing up, and still haven't forgotton them :)


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