October 9, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: I'd Like to Take Your Place

As always, this feature is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
I missed out on doing this meme the week that everyone picked out the characters they'd like to switch places with for 24 hours, and so, I'm doing it for this TTT Rewind. I've always found the prospect of jumping into the lives of some of my favorite book characters absolutely fascinating, so here are my top ten picks!

1. Hermione from Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling - I would love to be as wildly intelligent and talented as she is, as she's always been my favorite character in the series. Plus, it would give me the opportunity to visit Hogwarts and hang out with Harry & Ron & the rest of the Order of the Phoenix!

2. Celaena from Throne of Glass by  Sarah J. Maas - I'm not in any way athletic, so to be someone who's known for her craft, cunning and physical abilities as an assassin would be very different and very cool. I also want to visit the palace made of glass to see it for myself and, well, hang out with Chaol and Dorian!

3. Arwen from Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien - Her character has always fascinated me, especially because she's an elf! I also absolutely adore the fact that she and Aragorn have something going on...

4. Alera from Legacy by Cayla Kluver - It would be epic to live in this world, and grow up and mature as she did. I would like to be as brave as she is. Plus, it would totally help if I had a guy like Steldor around...

5. Annabeth from Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan - This girl is a combination of smart, ambitious and sweet. I absolutely adore how she's pretty kickass in her own way, and plus, she totally gets the coolest job in the world as the series ends...

6. Ana from Incarnate by Jodi Meadows - Despite the fact that people would leave me out or make me feel ostracized for being different, the world that Ana lives in is incredibly fascinating and filled with awesome creatures. Also, there's the matter of Sam...

7. Tris from Divergent by Veronica Roth - Obviously, picking Tris has a lot to do with Four. But it also has to do with the fact that I'm interested in seeing all the factions that she lives with, as well as seeing what it's like to be truly Dauntless.

8. Anna from Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins - Though I love Etienne, he is not the main reason I'd want to be Anna. I'd want to be Anna mostly because she gets to go to school in Paris. How cool is that? And I love that she's fascinated with movies and film.

9. Lola from Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins - In this case, Cricket definitely plays a huge part in me wanting to be Lola. But I'd also like the ability to create these amazing outfits that would help me stand out from the crowd.

10. Sam from My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick - Obviously, this one is really all about Jase. Who wouldn't want a boy that sweet and amazing and kind and intelligent and romantic?


  1. We are totally the same on 1,2,8, and 10 for the same reasons!! I would LOVE to go to Hogwarts and SOAP. Paaaaris.

  2. I totally agree with your number 1! But on number 9, although i do love Cricket, I would much rather have Etienne! On 10, I loved Jase, I would love to meet George even more! I LOVED him lol

  3. I definitely agree on 1 and 3. Most of the others you mention I haven't read.

  4. Oh wow, great list. I'd definitely change places with Sam from My Life Next Door. Jace was pretty awesome. I'd also love to be Anna from Anna and the French Kiss, St. Claire was just too adorable.

  5. Those girls all have a lot of cool abilities and hot boyfriends!!! Great list!! My TTT

  6. Ha, I love that you wanted to swap places with some of these based on the guy they're with. I'll admit... when I did this one I pretty much said the same thing! :)

  7. Ana from Incarnate? YES PLEASE. Sam, Sam, Sam.

  8. I would not want to switch with any of those characters because most of them live in a dystopian or magical world in ruins XD not fun! but I would switch with Anna in a heartbeat!! <3

  9. YES! Definitely Anna and Lola! I'd switch places with them in a heartbeat! :)

    Great list, Alexa!

  10. I would also LOVE to be Hermione or Annabeth for a day. Their worlds are amazing. I'd want to be Tris too, but only because of Four. I think living in the factions would be a nightmare ;)

  11. It would be amazing to get to be Hermione or Anna for the day. -insert dreamy sigh here from just thinking about it-

  12. LOVE YOUR LIST! I would be Hermione, Anna, Lola, or Sam in a heartbeat. Magic...hot boys. RAWR!

  13. I totally agree with 1,3,5, 8, 9, and 10! I'm still waiting for my Hpgwart's letter so to be Hermione would be amaizng! I am very much addicted to France and it's culture and langauge so going to SOAP would be amazing!

  14. Totally agree on Celaena and Arwen! Middle Earth? Aragorn? Chaol? Yes, please!

    My TTT: http://shelversanon.blogspot.com/2012/10/top-10-tuesday-rewind-top-ten-bookish.html

  15. I love your answers! I recently finished lola and the boy next door and it was so good. Cricket is awesome. :)

  16. Ooooooh Arwen from LOTR is a good one! I think I'd definitely have to agree with you on her, Hermoine and Tris. Actually, any of the above that involves sexy guys and fantastical worlds is right up my alley! :)

  17. I want to be Tris and Celaena SO BADLY! I like to pretend I am a kick-butt person but you know me and my clumsiness, that is certainly not the case. If I could be them for even just a little bit, that would be so cool!


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