September 4, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Fall TBR 2012

As always, this feature is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Fall 2012 is bringing a TON of good books our way friends, and I thought I'd share a few in particular that I'm really looking forward to reading. I have a couple of my favorite authors on there, as well as a few debut authors that I'm really excited about! (And yes, I may have cheated a little bit when it comes to publication dates that don't fall under fall...)

1. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (Goodreads)
2. Origin by Jessica Khoury (Goodreads)
3. The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling (Goodreads)
4. The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom (Goodreads)
5. The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan (Goodreads)
6. Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone (Goodreads)
7. The Curiosities by Maggie Stiefvater, Tessa Gratton & Brenna Yovanoff (Goodreads)
8. Sacrifice by Cayla Kluver (Goodreads)
9. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken (Goodreads)
10. Fathomless by Jackson Pearce (Goodreads)


  1. There are some really good books coming out soon! I'm looking forward to The Raven Boys, too!

  2. OOOhhhh I want to read The Raven Boys and Time Between Us SO MUCH. We don't have any books in common on our list this week, Alexa, but your list is still awesome and I want to read the entire thing. Too many great books coming out to narrow it down to only ten!

  3. The Raven Boys is good. Better than Shiver (which I didn't like too much, to be honest), but not near as good as The Scorpio Races in my opinion. But I still quite enjoyed it. :) Like I told another blogger, I couldn't believe I forgot about The Casual Vacancy. I'm really looking forward to that one. Really excited!

    And I'm also looking forward to Darkest Minds--though it's not on my list. I should also go add Fathomless to my TBR. It sounds intriguing. :)

    Great lineup you have planned. ^^ Sorry to get all rambly.

    Have a fantastic week!


  4. OMG HOW DID I FORGET THE CASUAL VACANCY?!?! I'm a slacker JKR fan :(

    This is a great list of books - good luck!

  5. Oooh, fantastic list! You're the first person I've seen who put J.K's book on your list. I'm sooo curious to see what it's like to read an adult book by her. :)

  6. The Raven Boys and Fathomless both look so good. I'm especially drawn to The Raven Boys because I love Maggie Stiefvater's writing style. So beautiful. Happy reading!

  7. Gret list! I am reading Oirigin right now and am realyl enjoying it so far. I am jealous you are reading Scarlet! Here's my list:

  8. JK! I can't believe I forgot about JK! I am not sufficiently excited for this one yet -- gotta pump it up!

  9. The Raven Boys and Time Between Us are two I can't wait to read! I read Origin and LIKED IT-- such a fascinating premise but something was missing for me to make it live up to its potential to be AMAZING! Time to look up some of these others on your list as I hadn't heard of them!

  10. Origin sounds like it's going to be a good read, so I'm excited to get round to it! I want to read The Darkest Minds so badly, ha!

    My Top Ten

  11. It's so fun to read everyone's TBR lists--so many good books ahead. I've got to get my hands on JK's book. Enjoy your Fall reading. kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  12. I'm so curious about J.K. Rowling's book! I'm going in with low expectations but still remain optimistic...

  13. Nice books, Alexa! I was eyeing The Timekeeper today on my library's upcoming releases ... might have to check it out! And I'm #46 in line for The Casual Vacancy. :) I guess that's better than nothing!

    Enjoy all your reads!

  14. Yes - I'm so incredibly pumped to read JKR's new adult fiction book! That made its way to my list of course. Although Fathomless didn't, I still am looking forward to reading that as well.

  15. Nice list! I really want to read Time Between Us. I keep seeing it/hearing about it and it makes me want to read it even more. :)

    ~Allison @ Good Books and Good Wine

  16. The Casual Vacancy is one I would love to read as well. Hope you get to all these during Fall :-)

  17. Hi-new follower here!

    I'm excited about a lot of the same books as you but especially The Raven Boys. I've read some amazing books and I've liked Stiefvater's writing in her previous books so I anticipate liking this one a lot too.

  18. How did I forget about The Casual Vacancy? I should have my bookaholic badge taken away. Great list!

  19. I like your list... Casual Vacancy, yes please!!!!

    Origin and The Raven Boys are very popular this week!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog... I LOVE the prettiness of your blog, i am now a follower :)

  20. YESS! Another Rick Riordan fan! :D I absolutely cannot wait for Mark of Athena, especially since it's going to be partly told from Annabeth's perspective finally :3 Plus, Riordan is a HILARIOUS author!

    I'm also incredibly excited for The Darkest Minds and Time Between Us! GAH, they sound AMAZING! Plus, I absolutely love their covers! <3

    I haven't actually read or watched Harry Potter yet so I'm probably the only one who wasn't swept up in the hype train of J.K Rowlings new book XD I hope you love it just as much as you did Harry Potter though x)

    Fantastic list, Alexa! Pretty much excited for all of these! :-)

  21. I love the cover for Darkest Minds. I'm so excited for The Casual Vacancy, too! (:

  22. I have some of those on my To Read As Soon As Possible Shelf too (or at least the ones from BEA!)

  23. Time Between Us! I am so looking forward to that book next month! I really enjoy your list, it has a lot of books that are on my TBR too! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  24. The Mark of Athena! YES times a million! I'm a Percy Jackson fan for life and I'm even more excited about this one since it'll have Anabelle's POV :D


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