September 14, 2012

BBAW || Everything Must Come to an End

I'm a little late in posting this, but I thought I'd share anyway, as it's Book Blogger Appreciation Week! Today's topic: What did you get out of this week? What will you take with you in the future?

I think, more than anything, this week gave me a chance to reach out to other bloggers, both to highlight old favorites and to meet new ones. Though I have yet to go through and comment on everyone's links, I can definitely say that I enjoyed making more connections with people.

This week left me feeling all warm and fuzzy towards the book blogging community. One of the things that I love most about being a book blogger (in spite of any recent controversy or conflict) is how there's always a sense of community and connection with other book bloggers. And this warm fuzzy feeling of connection is definitely something I'll be taking with me into the future.


  1. "And this warm fuzzy feeling of connection is definitely something I'll be taking with me into the future."

    Absolutely! It was great to spend a week with such positivity in this community. The last year had its ups and downs, as far as book blogging in general was concerned(drama, perceptions, etc.) participating in this event with so many great folks writing such great, thoughtful, and fun posts...wonderful!

  2. Yay for warm and fuzzy. That's how I'm ending my week, too!

  3. That connection piece is so important. I felt it too this week and it was a good reminder of why I continue my blog.

  4. This sounds you had such a good week! I wish I had known about BBAW sooner or I would have participated. :)

    I love connecting with other bloggers -- it's my favourite part of book blogging!

  5. Hooray warm fuzzies! I've enjoyed following your BBAW posts this week! Definitely love our not so little community!

  6. I totally got the warm fuzzy feeling too! Everyone is so welcoming in the community, it makes me feel less nervous about being more forward and out there. :)

    Happy BBAW!! Here's to next year.

    Emma :)

  7. I couldn't agree with you more! I'm so glad I was able to connect with great book bloggers because of the BBAW event.

  8. THE COMMUNITY is what it is all about. :)

    I found so many great blogs and more wonderful books. This was my first time participating.

    I got to know new bloggers and got to know my old blogger friends even better.

    It is has been a fabulous week. I loved it all.

    Stop by my blog if you like to see my Day 3, 4, and 5 responses if you like.

    Silver's Reviews

  9. This was such a fun week of blogging. I'm so excited to have discovered so many new (to me) blogs.

  10. My favorite part of BBAW is the chance to discover new bloggers and make new friends. Definitely gave me a warm,fuzzy feeling!

  11. The sense of community in the book-blogging world is one of the main reasons I love doing this so much. It's always nice to meet new bloggers! :)

  12. The week left me feeling warm and fuzzy as well! Thanks for participating in BBAW!


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