September 25, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Get (Re)started on These Series

As always, this feature is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This question is particularly interesting, as I'm pretty darn sure that there are plenty of series that I've been meaning to continue reading... but haven't. Hopefully, this post will remind me that I need to get going on all of these books.

1. The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini
- I've read all the books except the last one, even though I own it, and that's pretty much because I don't want it to end. I'm afraid of finding out what's happened to the characters I love so much. That having been said, many friends have told me that it's a really good ending!

2. The Tiger Saga by Colleen Houck
- I liked the first book in the series, but I haven't quite felt the inclination to pick up the books that follow after it. I've almost bought them once or twice, but I guess I'll just wait until I feel like reading this story again.

3. Matched series by Ally Condie
- I really liked the first book in this series. I'm worried about starting the second one though, because many of my friends didn't like it all that much. That's probably what's making me hesitate.

4. Firelight series by Sophie Jordan
- I actually have the second book in this series, thanks to my friend Jana, but I still haven't cracked it open yet. Mind you, I think it's about time because this Will vs. Cassian debate between some people has gotten me very interested to see what happens next.

5. Bartimaeus trilogy by Jonathan Stroud
- I really liked the first two books in this series because I genuinely thought it was funny and amusing. I still haven't gotten around to buying the third book, but it will happen... soon.

6. Gemma Doyle series by Libba Bray
- I really want to continue this series, but I may have to reread the first one since I finished it a while back. I'm curious to see where it goes.

7. Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld
- The reason I haven't finished this series is because, though I liked it, I didn't feel a strong enough pull towards it. I know a lot of people enjoyed it though, so I may pick it up again.

8. The Forest of Hands & Teeth series by Carrie Ryan
- I have no excuses for this since I got both of the books I haven't read at a signing. I just haven't been in the mood for a zombie book, I think, and that's why they've gone unread.

9. A Touched trilogy by Leah Clifford
- I have the second book in this series, which means it will probably get read soon - hopefully in time for the third book that's coming out!

10. Summer series by Jenny Han
 - I have the second book in this series already, and I'm dying to read it. It just keeps getting pushed back because my TBR just keeps growing and growing and growing...


  1. I haven't read any of these series except the Gemma Doyle Trilogy.. and yes, you need to finish it!!!


  2. I haven't even started a lot of these. Like you I also just read one of the Gemma Doyle novels and I'm like 200 pages away from finishing the Uglies series.

  3. Oh, you must read the rest of the Summer series and soon! I simply love it. I discovered it years ago when it first released and it still (and always will) hold a special place in my heart.

  4. You have a few series on your list that I have yet to even start! Matched, Firelight, Forest of Hands and Teeth... one of these days, ONE OF THESE DAYS!

  5. Girl, I haven't even started the Summer series yet. DON'T TELL GINGER.


    If the freaking FoHaT series wasn't so depressing, maybe people would read them faster/finish them. Carrie Ryan likes to break hearts and take names, lol.

  6. Ok the only one we have in common is the Summer series. We need to keep bugging each other about it!Haven't started any of the other ones but I have them on my shelf -- Firelight, Matched, Gemma Doyle! Tell me which ones I need to read!

  7. I know what you mean about the TBR list constantly growing... mine is sort of out of control. Sequels generally get pushed back to make way for newer books. I think I might need to re-prioritize at this point!

  8. I just recently read A Great and Terrible Beauty. I just don't think that series is for me. I think the writing is wonderul, and the story was interesting and unique, but I couldn't get invested in the characters. They all annoyed me too much.

    Here's my TTT

  9. Crossed is one I have heard mixed reviews on and since Reached comes out so soon I am just going to wait and read the two of them back to back. Here is my TTT:

  10. The Matched series is popular this week!! Summer series is on my TBR :)

    My TTT

  11. I really need to start Inheritance as well, but after I read it the series will be done! And there'll be no new books to look forward to...
    For me, the Uglies series didn't really get better after the first book, so if you're short on time you could just skip those ;)
    But the Gemma Doyle books are a MUST! SO much love for those books! Though I have to warn you that the ending might break your heart..

  12. I completely feel the same way about number 2 and 3. The Tiger Saga started off really well for me, so I'm not sure why I haven't felt like continuing with it. And the negative reviews for Crossed have put me off continuing the Matched trilogy. I doubt I'll ever get around to them now. :P

    And now the series is complete so finishing it will be a breeze. For both of us!


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