August 11, 2012

The Story of a Changeling • The Peculiar

The Peculiar book cover
The Peculiar by Stefan Bachmann
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Publication Date: September 18, 2012
Source/Format: BEA 2012 || ARC
[I received this book from the publisher. This in no way affects the opinions in my review.]

Bartholomew Kettle won't live long. Changelings never do. The child of a human mother and a faery father, Bartholomew is a secret, despised by both his races. If the English don't hang him for witchcraft, the faerys will do something worse. So his mother keeps him locked away, hidden from the world in the faery slums of Bath.

But one day Bartholomew witnesses a mysterious lady kidnap another changeling through a shadowy portal, and he realizes the danger is closer than ever before. Changelings are surfacing in the rivers, their bodies empty of blood and bone and their skin covered in red markings. A powerful figure sits in the shadows, pushing the pieces in place for some terrible victory. When a sinister faery in a top-hat begins to stalk Bartholomew's steps, he knows it's his turn. Something is coming for him. Something needs him. But when you're a changeling there's no where to run...

I picked up The Peculiar when I saw that Rick Riordan and Christopher Paolini had written blurbs for it. Though I wouldn’t pronounce it as one of my favorites, the story was enjoyable and unexpected. I’m not one to read books about fae, but I really enjoyed this one! The fact that the fairies are portrayed as human-like is probably why it appealed to me. I’m curious to learn more about their world and the magic they possess though. Though I didn’t strongly connect with either of them, Bartholomew and Mr. Jelliby were both interesting characters. As they attempted to attain their goals, they experienced a shift in personality, which definitely interested me. 

All in all, The Peculiar was an enjoyable, imaginative read geared towards a younger audience. It’s a simple story, but it’s satisfying. It’s a quick, fun and well-crafted book – Stefan Bachmann definitely has a way with words.


  1. I have read so many books about fae, and this is the first one that sounds like they are portrayed differently. It sounds like a light, fun read.

    s @ Oh! Paper Pages

  2. This seems like such a charming book! I'm not really one to read books about fae either but I'm so excited to read this one. I think the Neil Gaiman comparison did it for me and I'll see if it lives up to it.


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