August 29, 2012

With a Little Help From My Friends • The Lonely Hearts Club

The Lonely Hearts Club book cover
The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg
Publisher: Point
Publication Date: January 1, 2010
Source: Borrowed from the library || Paperback

Penny is sick of boys and sick of dating. So she vows: no more. It's a personal choice. . .and, of course, soon everyone wants to know about it. And a few other girls are inspired. A movement is born: The Lonely Hearts Club (named after the band from Sgt. Pepper). Penny is suddenly known for her nondating ways... which is too bad, because there's this certain boy she can't help but like...

Honestly, this book swept me off my feet! The Lonely Hearts Club has the perfect combination of elements to make me fall in love with a story – real friendships, a slow-burn romance, and total girl power moments and, as an added bonus, references to the Beatles. Elizabeth Eulberg writes in a way that’s funny, authentic and totally addicting; I had the pleasure of meeting her, and while I was reading, I certainly felt like her personality actually came across well. I’m happy that this book was one of my summer reads – and I highly recommend it to anyone who has yet to read it.

Penny Lane is one of the best things about this book. She’s the epitome of a great character – a little off-beat, a whole lot quirky, but still in touch with feelings that teens (and former teens) have experienced. I love how experiencing a broken heart became a catalyst for the club she started, as well as how she attempted to handle the leadership duties that ended up thrust upon her. She’s a great friend to her best friends, and the members of the club, and that’s one thing I love about her a lot. Plus, she seems like the type who’s up for anything – which would definitely cement our friendship.

Female friendships are essential to life, and that’s something I’ve always personally believed in. This is another thing that I loved about The Lonely Hearts Club, how it highlighted and celebrated the importance of having great friendships as a part of your life. It’s always good to know there are people you can trust to love you, support you and be there for you unconditionally – and seeing this happen with the members of the club certainly warmed my heart.

Reading this book also made me realize how amazing it is to really step up and own your own identity. It’s natural to be influenced by others or want to follow in the path that they may have set up for you, no doubt. But if you really take the time to reflect on things, you’ll realize what things mean the most to you and what YOU would really love or like or hate or tolerate or believe. This happens to quite a few of the members of the club, and I thought it was an empowering and inspiring message.

Of course, there’s romance involved and to me, it suited the book perfectly. It’s one of those cases where the boy is someone Penny has known for a while, and who’s a good friend. I love how it just naturally seems to grow from that into something more – and I’m a big fan of one of the “grand gestures” that this guy does towards the end of the book. I was definitely rooting for them to be together, and was super glad when everyone in the club did too!

All in all, The Lonely Hearts Club was a smashing read for the summer – it was fun, quirky and adorable. I loved the characters and the story; plus, it helps that it made me laugh out loud multiple times! (Side story: I was reading this on the subway, sitting next to my best friend. I kept laughing out loud and snorting and grinning like an idiot and she just kept giving me weird looks. Eventually, she asked about it – and now she wants to read it. Ta dah, mission accomplished!). I’m looking forward to reading more books by Elizabeth Eulberg (and Take a Bow just happens to be on my shelf!).


  1. I read Take A Bow earlier this month and I'm definitely interested to check out Elizabeth's previous work, especially The Lonely Hearts Club! I was already excited but now I'm even more eager toget my hands on a copy. This sounds fun and quirky and like something I would love. Plus, references to the Beatles? YES PLEASE.

    Fabulous review!

  2. It sounds really cute!! I'm also a fan of the slow burn and grand gesture :) So this boy sounds like my kind of guy!
    And you're absolutely right: friendships are SO important! I feel like I can discuss anything with my closest friends and that's a pretty good feeling :)

  3. This sounds fantastic! I love stories with a decent focus on friendship as well as the romance. Plus Penny sounds pretty cool too. I will have to give this a shot. Brilliant review, Alexa!

  4. I really loved this book too! Especially how it showed wonderful female friendships. I get really frustrated when books show girls as these catty people who can't get along with each other.

  5. I haven't read this one yet, but after E raved about it, I bought a copy of it! I am really anxious to read it. I love that you pointed this out "it highlighted and celebrated the importance of having great friendships as a part of your life." Friendships are super important to me, too, and I love seeing healthy ones in books. Sometimes the friendships are so broken in YA and that makes me really sad.

  6. Great review. I read the book and thought it was really good. I loved Take A Bow though.

  7. This is a lovely review, Alexa! I won this book a long while back but still haven't read it ... I can't wait to read it now! :)

  8. I felt the exact same way when I read this! It completely took me by surprise and I enjoyed it so much. My favorite thing about the book would probably be the friendships and just the message of being yourself / having your own identity. Loved it!

  9. I remember reading this a couple of years ago and I really enjoyed it it was a very sweet, heartfelt book. I don't remember much of it now though but it's definitely perfect for summer! Great review!

  10. This sounds excellent! And the character's name is Penny Lane?! I'm in. :)

  11. I think it's so great when a book focuses on the importance of knowing yourself and having friends rather than romantic relationships. There aren't enough books like this, IMO.

  12. I read Take A Bow earlier this year and loved it, so I will definitely want to read anything she writes. And this one sounds like a winner. Thanks for sharing a great review!

  13. I love Penny. I love the music aspect (duh!). I love that you loved it too. Basically I just love this book hardcore.

  14. I can't wait to read this one! The first Eulberg book I read was Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality and I just finished Better Off Friends. Must read more of her adorable books ASAP!!


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