August 4, 2012

The Quest for a Magical Stone • Roderick Blackwood & the Demon Stone

Roderick Blackwood & The Demon Stone book cover
Roderick Blackwood & the Demon Stone by Ralph Rathbone
Publisher: Self-published
Publication Date: October 28, 2011
Source/Format: Author (Thanks!) || e-book
[I received this book from the author. This in no way affects the content of my review.]

When upstart magician Roderick Blackwood puts on a show of his magical abilities for his friend, he attracts the attention of a demon who wears a pin-striped suit, named Belzial. Belzial forces him to go on a quest for a magical stone which was stolen by a rogue sorcerer.

RALPH RATHBONE is a screenwriter-turned-author, and it certainly shows in RODERICK BLACKWOOD & THE DEMON STONE. Mind you, I do not necessarily consider this a bad thing - I actually found that the writing flowed easily, with scene after scene that I could actually imagining happening in front of me. 

The characters, unfortunately, I could not completely connect with. It’s not the diversity of the characters; it was simply because I felt like I was just standing outside, watching as the characters acted out this story. 

The story was fun to read. I thought the plot was similar to a few stories featuring magicians and demons, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The twist at the end was a fun addition, and I did not suspect it at all.  For something quick and easy, with good writing and an interesting story, look no further than RODERICK BLACKWOOD AND THE DEMON STONE.


  1. Connecting with the characters is often what makes a book a miss. Too bad it was the case in this one for you but at least it was a quick read. :)


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