June 22, 2012

TGIF (28): Authors are Our Celebrities

TGIF at GReads is a feature by the fabulous Ginger, who asks us a fun question to answer every week. It's always a joy to be a part of this, and I think everyone certainly should try it out!

Have you ever contacted an author you admired? How did that experience go? If not, which author would you love to have a chat with?

To digress a little, I absolutely love this question because it's true - authors are our celebrities. I just attended BEA 2012 a couple of weeks ago and every single time I got to meet an author who I loved, I was just completely overwhelmed with emotion. Authors manage to touch a very deep part of our souls with their work and so they are definitely worthy of celebrity status in my mind.

I have never personally emailed or mailed an author that I have admired, simply because I still struggle to find the right words to express how much their stories and books mean to me. I am planning to do that before the year ends though, so maybe you guys will see me flailing on Twitter if I get a response back!

BUT this doesn't mean I've never interacted with the authors I've loved - Twitter has actually allowed me to really do that. I've had fun moments with Maggie Stiefvater, Stephanie Perkins and Sarah MacLean, who are three of my absolutely favorite authors in the world!

I've also been able to personally meet Meg Cabot, Maggie Stiefvater, Christopher Paolini and Veronica Roth at various signings and events. It's also a fantastic venue for me to interact with them, tell them how much I love them and their books and just be a big fangirl in general. I am very excitable so you can try to imagine how fast I talk and how much I gush whenever I get to see an author I love!

And as for the list of authors I am still hoping to meet one day, it would include Stephanie Perkins, Sarah Dessen and JK Rowling. All three write books that I absolutely adore and I would definitely be really excited if I got to meet them!


  1. Last year Sarah Dessen came to town for a signing & OF COURSE I jumped at the chance to meet her. She is just as lovely in person as she comes across on twitter. I felt like I was hanging out with an old friend :) I love how enthusiastic you are about meeting your favorite authors. I get the same way! I hope you'll write those emails.. I bet they would really appreciate your kind words :)

  2. I need to go move to a state where authors actually want to visit! Meg Cabot, wowza. My middle school self is so jealous. I would love to meet all those authors too, they would all be fab!

    P.S. Your blazer is so cute!

  3. Great images, its great to meet authors in person x

  4. Love the pictures! That's so awesome. I suppose I need to utilize Twitter more often. I'm just such a noob on there. haha. Thanks for stopping by my TGIF. I'm now following you!

  5. Joie @ Joie de LireJune 22, 2012 at 2:25 PM

    ahhh love the pictures! I WISH authors would visit my town! Unfortunately, it's pretty much in the middle of nowhere.....
    I would also love to meet Sarah Dessen and J.K. Rowling!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    New follower :)

  6. So cool that you got to meet Meg Cabot! It amazes me how much that woman manages to write.

    I got to meet Sarah Dessen last year at a signing which was so awesome, I got her to sign a bunch of my books. It was great, she was near the top of my list of Authors I want to meet, but I would absolutely love to meet JK Rowling. She is just in a league of her own as far as I'm concerned!

  7. There is always that moment when you meet a author and you're afraid that they will be a jerk, but I must say that every author I have met has been so kind and gracious!

  8. I wish I was a bit closer to a bigger city, not many authors come around here. :( I think if I met J.K. Rowling I would cry. ~Maggie

  9. Twitter really does make the world go round. You've met so many cool authors. I am totally jealous.

  10. I would cry too! And I wouldn't know what to say!

  11. Me too. I'm very pleased with my author interactions so far :)

  12. I know! Meg's an inspiration - and I love her blog. I really want to meet Sarah Dessen, which I hope happens soon. And yes to meeting JK Rowling!

  13. Meg Cabot is pretty darn cool! And I was so happy to meet her. And thanks!

  14. I'm planning on it. I feel like it's really important to let them know what their books have come to mean to me :)

  15. Ashley @ Ashley Loves BooksJuly 7, 2012 at 2:31 AM

    I would diiieeeee if I ever got to meet Sarah Dessen! I don't think I'd be able to speak properly, and probably burst into tears. Her books mean so much to me. Also, I hope you get to meet Stephanie Perkins one day - she's so awesome I was in awe that I was just in her presence and was squealing for days after. She's fantastic and funny and so friendly.


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