June 20, 2012

Can You Hear Them? • Cicada (+ Giveaway)

Cicada book cover
Cicada by Belle Whittington
Series: Cicada #1
Publisher: Self-published
Publication Date: September 13, 2011
Source: Author (Thanks!) || e-book
More Info on the Author: Website || Twitter || Facebook
More Info on the Book: Goodreads || Amazon || CreateSpace
[I received this book from the author. This in no way affects the opinions expressed in my review.]

Summertime for Blair Reynolds and her friends had always been carefree and fun... until the summer they happened upon something that was not human. As they band together in a fight for their lives, Blair's true love becomes something more than human. Something unnatural. And their survival depends entirely upon their ability to keep a secret.

CICADA has a gorgeous cover, and a premise that was striking and immediately piqued my interest. I must confess that it took a while for me to get completely invested in the story. However, once I got hooked, I found myself enjoying every twist and turn up until the very end. 

In my opinion, the character development could have used slightly more work. Narrated through the eyes of Blair Reynolds, there is a bit of insight into what (and who) she likes and how she feels. I wish there had been more insight into the other characters, apart from the stereotypes that they were cast in straightaway.

But what it lacks in character, it definitely makes up for in story. Though initially I was unsure where the author was going to take us, I found the final result completely fascinating. It definitely was not what I expected at all, and it certainly had me wondering how the story was conceived.

There's definitely more to be told when it comes to this story, and I'm just hooked enough to want to read the next book in the series. CICADA is a quick, unique read; BELLE WHITTINGTON has successfully managed to write a story that's interesting and fresh.


GIVEAWAY #1: 12 eBooks of Cicada
(There are 12 eBooks to be given away during this tour. Open internationally.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

GIVEAWAY #2: An Electronic Firefly in a Jar
(This prize is in honor of the sequel, Firefly. Open only to the US.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway -----

This tour was hosted by A Tale of Many Reviews Book Blog Tours.
You can find the other tour stops by clicking here.


  1. Thank you so much, Alexa, for featuring "Cicada" on your lovely blog! I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it! And thank you for your kind, heartfelt review! It means more to me than you'll know. :-)

    Also, many warm thanks to the fabulous readers who stop by to read Alexa's review and enter the contest. :-)


  2. Alexa, I felt pretty much this exact way. And I had no idea you were part of this tour! Haha. I'm intrigued enough for book #2, for sure! Great review! I need to learn how to make my reviews shorter... I talk way too much!

  3. You've made me really curious as to what this 'not human' thing is!! And I love it when a novel can surprise you! :)

  4. This book looks lovely - and I adore the way you write about it as well. It sounds less predictable than your regular paranormal YA novel. Also, TWELVE ebooks being given away... very nice.

  5. The author is quite generous. And I really enjoyed this novel!

  6. I didn't know you were either! But it was great to read your thoughts.

    As for your review style, I actually adore it. It's got your own tone and I think it's great. I'm working on making mine less objective and a little more personal.

  7. You're very welcome! Thanks for writing such an enjoyable book :)


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