May 2, 2012

A Little Update

It's been awfully quiet on this wee little book blog of mine, hasn't it?

I'm both happy and sad about this state of affairs. I'm happy because it means that I'm making the most out of my stay in the Philippines, spending time with my family, friends and Macky. In case you didn't know, I moved to the US in 2010 and this is the first time I've been back here in the PI ever since then. So it's definitely been a wonderful vacation and break from reality thus far.

But it's been quite sad for me not to be updating the book blog or talking to all of you, my dear bookish friends. I miss reading about the latest book trends, chatting with my lovely friends and just gushing over books in general. I miss the interaction with fellow bookworms, authors, publishers and anyone who just wants to find out the lowdown on a book!

And so, this May, expect to see more (regular) content coming from me. I'm working on reviewing all the books that I've managed to tear through recently, as well as hoping to give you a tour of my library here and to share a few more important (and book-related) things that have been going on.

(Before I click it... Let it be said that it feels SO good to be pressing publish on a post again.)


  1. I stopped by & was wondering what was up. Glad to have you back.

  2. YAY!! So glad to see you posting again!! I'm glad you're having a wonderful time in the Philippines, but I MISS YOU! And I can't wait to find out the important things you tease about sharing :)
    Enjoy your stay and *virtual hugs* good to see you blogging again! <3

  3. glad to have you back!

  4. YAY, Alexa! I was so happy to see I had a new post to read from you in my Google Reader. :) Hope you're loving every minute of your trip. We miss you! xoxo


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