March 2, 2012

TGIF (22): Book Moments

TGIF at GReads is a feature by the fabulous Ginger, who asks us a fun question to answer every week. It's always a joy to be a part of this, and I think everyone certainly should try it out!

What has been your favorite moment (scene) in a book that you've read so far in 2012?

Oh wow, this is something that I find incredibly difficult to answer, as there are SO many moments that I can include! But, for the sake of my slight OCD and my love of lists, here are my top three moments in a book that I've read in 2012:

1. Vincent & Kate in Die for Me - There's this incredibly swoon-worthy bit when they're standing on a bridge. I'm not going to go into details, but suffice it to say that that particular scene had me daydreaming for a week after I read it.

2. Steldor in Allegiance - There's this scene where he gives Alera a present and it's one of the scenes where I absolutely fall head over heels for him.

3. Gabriel in A Touch Mortal - There's a badass scene at the end of the novel where I really like Gabe. It's not necessarily the shining moment of his lifetime, but I absolutely love what that scene means for him and for everyone else.


  1. Die for me is making it's way up my list! Thanks for the nudge...

    href=””>My TGIF and FF</a

  2. Hmmm... Sorry that link didn't quite work!

  3. The Katelyn and Alexa Twin Syndrome strikes again! I also picked my top 3 :) I LOVE all of your picks. Your Gabriel choice is my favorite moment from A Touch Mortal as well! I just loved it so much <3

  4. I haven't read any of these but I have definitely heard about the bridge scene in Die for Me before. It must be a really great scene for everyone to love it so much. I guess that means I better get to reading then!

  5. Haven't read this but all look really good!!

  6. I have not read any of these books, although I hope to someday (TBR pile too big!), but they sound really good. It's hard to pick just one fave scene!

  7. Sounds like interesting books, though I haven't read any of them. Thanks for stopping by.
    Jennifer @ Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance

  8. workingforthemandroidApril 4, 2012 at 3:15 PM

    I haven't read any of those books, but two of the three are on my TBR list. Glad to hear they have some memorable moments. As for Allegiance, what did you think of the first book and how does the second compare? The first book drove me a bit crazy and I thought it needed a heavy-handed editor to make it better.

    Thanks for stopping by WFTM (a month ago, ha)!
    Leslie @ Working for the Mandroid

  9. Oh, it's a fantastic scene. I really loved it!

  10. Honestly, I really enjoyed the first book! It was long and wordy, but I think I may have been in the right mood for that sort of book.


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