TGIF at GReads is a feature by the fabulous Ginger, who asks us a fun question to answer every week. It's always a joy to be a part of this, and I think everyone certainly should try it out!

Reviews: Various Positions by Martha Schabas Legacy by Cayla Kluver A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford The Whip by Karen Kondazian Tris's Book by Tamora Pierce (as part of Thursdays with Macky)
Features: A Touch Awesome Blog Tour: Week Three TGIF: Book Appeal
Sam and Grace from the Wolves of Mercy Falls series would be one of my top picks too, they are such a great couple! <3
ReplyDeleteAnna and Lola are totally on my list too! I haven't read the Mercy Falls series yet but I know I definitely need to get on that like ASAP!
ReplyDeleteLoving such a detailed list! Sam and Grace were oh so epic - maybe a tad dramatic sometimes I thought, but they made a cute couple :-)
ReplyDeleteI still need to read Anna & Lola. They've been on my shelf forever and I hear the best things about them...
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of Anna and Etienne's romance as well, loved the tension between the two of them. Although I did feel a bit frustrated that it took so long for them to get together.
ReplyDeleteooh, Sebastian & Evie...such a great one! he really turned himself around, didn't he...i didn't know how she would write it after the way the previous book ended, but i loved how it was resolved. :) And Colin & Penenlope, too! they're such a great couple! Great list!
ReplyDeletehere's mine: http://wp.me/p1FaW7-i2
Persuasion by Jane Austen is my favorite love story!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and would love to get to 'know' you better...so, Hope you don't mind... but Tag! You're It! Please stop back at my site for fun questions to answer and pass new ones along!
I should definitely have added Die For Me!! And apparently I need to read up on some historical romance authors, I'm still a newbie when it comes to Julie Garwood, Lisa Kleypas and Julia Quinn (but The Duke and I is on its way to me, so this will be remedied soon :) ). Romance brightens up any book :)
ReplyDeleteOh, the Devil in Winter. Classic in the romance world for sure! And Stiefvater's series...love the way she writes. You can feel their love for each other.
ReplyDeleteI'm a huge Kleypas fan -- the Wallflowers series is awesome! You really can't go wrong with Anna and the French Kiss, too. I get butterflies when I think about it!
ReplyDeleteLove Anna and Lola! I've heard fabulous things about Shiver and its love story. For the adult books, I love Julia Quinn, Lisa Kleypas, and Sarah Maclean as well! Great choices!
ReplyDeleteJennifer @ Feminist Fairytale Reviews
I have not read Die for Me or the Wolfs of Mercy Falls, but I have them both on my TBR list! Now I want to read them even more! Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my blog today!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to meet Cricket & Lola...eventually. I <3 that name, Cricket.
ReplyDeleteI still haven't read Lola! And that one is on a lot of lists. Loved Anna, though. Thanks for visiting. Happy reading!
ReplyDelete*hides under couch* I haven't read the Shiver series yet. I have it on my TBR list, but it just hasn't happened. I need to work on reading those soon...
ReplyDeleteHow did I forget Sam and Grace?!?! I'm horrible. Also, I super need to read Lola. It's sitting in there all pretty right next to Anna, but no. I haven't read it yet. Again, I'm horrible, I know :P
ReplyDeleteI agree, Sam and Grace are such a cute couple, as are the main couples from P&P. I need to read Anna and the French Kiss! I'm so terrible...
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I haven't read anything by Stephanie Perkins yet, but I've heard her books are really good. Especially Anna and the French Kiss.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read these books but I really want to read Anna and the French Kiss. I heard lovely things about it. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
ReplyDeleteJennifer @ Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance
I have both Anna and Lola on my wishlist, just haven't had a chance to read them yet :/ But I have Matched waiting in my shelf, can't wait to read it!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by!
Monaliz @ Mind Reading?
I've read all those YA's, except Die for Me, which I own. Book twin!! :) Great choices! I love them all too. :)
ReplyDeleteOh Sam and Grace. So sweet.
ReplyDeleteAwww! I love your answers! Lola is definitely a top pick for me as well. :) Thanks for hopping by!
ReplyDeleteYES! I was totally rooting from them right from the beginning of Shiver. They're such an awesome pair. <3
ReplyDeleteYOU MUST! I absolutely adore Maggie Stiefvater, although her writing isn't necessarily for everyone. If you don't have copies yet, hit me up!
ReplyDeleteI HIGHLY encourage you to read them both. They are filled with moments that make you swoon, sigh and fall completely head over heels in love <3
ReplyDeleteThere was definitely a lot of drama, but I still loved them. <3
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, it took FOREVER. But I think the building up to the grand moment was pretty awesome :)
ReplyDeleteI love that you commented on the historical romance picks! Sebastian and Evie are such a lovely couple <3 And I love all the Bridgerton stories but Colin & Penelope are my favorite couple :)
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm so sorry I'm getting to this a little late, but I"ll definitely drop by. And I MUST read Persuasion. A lot of people are telling me it's a great love story :)
ReplyDeleteDIE FOR ME IS SO AWESOME. I am so happy you sent it to me!! And yes, try those three because they are BRILLIANT. Love them all <3
ReplyDeleteI love the entire Wallflowers series, but Devil in Winter is the best one <3
ReplyDeleteyay, a fellow Kleypas fan! I only started reading her stuff recently but I'm loving it :)
ReplyDeleteOoh, yay, we have so much in common! If you have any recommendations, feel free to share!
ReplyDeleteRead them and soon! Die for Me was SO good.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! You haven't read it yet? I hope you get around to it soon!!
ReplyDeleteIt's a slow-paced series though, so it'll take a while to read. But it's so beautifully written. LOL, no hiding under the couch missy! ;)
ReplyDeleteYou should! It's just as good, if not better than, Anna!
ReplyDeleteRead Lola because it's awesome! Seriously!
ReplyDeleteOoh, I hope you get to read it soon! Anna and St. Clair are <3 <3 <3
ReplyDeleteI would highly recommend them both, as the writing is good and the characters are so realistic.
ReplyDeleteYay! Matched was a good read, but I hope you get to read Anna/Lola soon :)
ReplyDeleteWoohoo! Book twins!! Read Die for Me though bc it's awesome. Daisy was totally spot on about me liking it when she chose to send it to me!
ReplyDeleteThe sweetest <3
ReplyDeleteIt's seriously one of my favorite YA novels. So good!