February 17, 2012

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon • An Ode to My Bookish Friends

The book blogging community is incredibly vast. There are so many different personalities out there, and it has been a joy getting to know a great variety of them through the awesome work of book blogging. I just want to take the opportunity to say thank you to all the incredible bloggers out there. 

I honestly never expected to be at the point where I am now. It has been an exceptional experience. On days when I'm down or sad about something, just knowing that there's a friendly comment on my blog or a tweet from a new book blogging friend always manages to make my day brighter! Plus, it's great to have so many people to share my love of books with... and to ask for advice and recommendations from!

Your dedication to what you do, our mutual love for the written word and being authentically you on your blogs and in your comments - well, those are definitely things that I consider inspiring and that I'm supremely grateful for. There are so very many of you, and many of you have definitely had an impact on me as I continue to grow and develop this little blog project of mine. I look forward to many, many years of friendship and community ahead of us!
Apart from the fabulous blogs I mentioned this morning who inspired me to start a book blog of my own, here are some more of my favorite book blogs to visit nowadays. The bloggers behind these amazing blogs are all such wonderful, intelligent and awesome people and it always makes my day to read a post from one of them.

Lisa of Lisa the Nerd
Giselle of Xpresso Reads

Honestly, these girls have been nothing short of amazing friends to me ever since we discovered each other's blogs and Twitter accounts. I can sincerely say that it's been such a wonderful experience becoming great friends with this group of people - and I look forward to more Twitter conversations, blog post commenting, online book club meetings and getting an opportunity (eventually) to meet them in person!
Daisy of Between the Pages
Daisy blogs over at The Broke and the Bookish, but Between the Pages is her solo venture. She's one of the sweetest people I've ever met, and we definitely share a love of books, shopping and sparkly things. I hope someday I get a chance to visit her in Holland!
Estelle & Magan of Rather Be Reading
Magan and Estelle are both such wonderful ladies, and I feel honored to be friends with them both. Magan is an incredibly talented photographer (as you can see on her site here). She's really nice, always willing to help and enjoys reading many of the same books as I do. Estelle, on the other hand, is someone I share a lot in common with - she loves Disney (as you can see on her site when it's back up and running!) and the theater. I was very lucky to meet her in person last month since she works in New York City too!
Jana of That Artsy Reader Girl
Jana is another creative soul, as evidenced by her site's gorgeous layout. I call her my "bookish twin" because she's always reading the same books as I am around the same time that I do! She's another sweet person, and I absolutely love her reviews (since I feel like we feel the same way about most books!).
Katelyn of Kate's Tales of Books and Bands
Katelyn is the mastermind behind this amazing event. She's also my co-member when it comes to the "Awkward" club, a fellow Taylor Swift junkie and just one of the most fun and one of the coolest people I've ever met (virtually, at least). I just know that when I meet her during BEA that we're going to get along really well, based on our similar tastes and very similar personalities.

This was posted as a part of the Book Blogger Love-A-Thon.
The Love-a-Thon is an event hosted by one of my awesome friends Katelyn from Kate's Tales of Books and Bands.
You can find out more information by checking out THIS POST.


  1. Thanks, Alexa, for the sweet things you said. :) I wish I'd had time to compose a post like this, because I have so many blogger friends to mention! I hope to post it realllllly soon, once I'm done passing this brand new kidney stone. lol. I'm definitely excited to meet you someday! It'll happen eventually. Haha.

  2. You are seriously my bookish twin. And I have no doubt that, one day, we will meet in person!

  3. Thank you so much!! <3 It's been so great getting to know you and we are definitely going to figure out how we can meet up soonish! Cause I need to meet and hug you in person :)

  4. First of all, thank YOU for always having posts that I want to read and totally make my day. It's been all rainbows and sunshine getting to know you and your blog!

    Second of all, thanks for the shout out and for holding me in such esteemed company. Those are some awesome blogs you've listed there. <3

  5. Alexa! Somehow I missed this when you tweeted us! Thank you so, so much for the great shout out. We absolutely adore you and I'm so looking forward to meeting you in March! :) YAY!

  6. Alexa, Thank you for mentioning me in the tweet the day of the love-a-thon and for mentioning me on here. I ADORE when you stop by my blog and love your review style because it reminds me a little bit of my own and makes sense to me. Plus, you seem to read books that I would read, which is awesome. You kinda rock.

  7. I am totally crossing my fingers that you get to come to BEA in 2013 and we can totally hang out!

  8. I think you're an awesome blogger. You're definitely one of the people that truly inspires me to stay unique and stay grounded and to not be afraid to be real. <3

  9. It's been months since we've met, but I'm glad we did! I absolutely LOVE you both <3

  10. I think your review style is the bees knees! It always gets me interested in whatever book you're talking about :)


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