February 19, 2012

In My Mailbox (4)

Kristi of The Story Siren hosts this awesome meme every week. 
You can check out her blog for a list of posts from other bloggers!

I haven't done an IMM in the LONGEST time, so there are definitely a ton of books that have come my way since the last one. That being said, because I'm moving, I don't have most of them with me (they're at the new place), I decided to keep it limited to the ones I received this week.


I went to the Breathless Reads tour stop at Books of Wonder in New York City last Friday. It was such a fun experience listening to Andrea Cremer, Beth Revis, Jessica Spotswood & Marie Lu talk about writing, their novels and their writing habits. 

Legend by Marie Lu
Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood


Storm (Elemental #1) by Brigid Kemmerer (Recieved from Kensington)
A Week to be Wicked by Tessa Dare (Received from Harper Collins)
Incarnate by Jodi Meadows (Recieved via the DAC Arc Tours c/o Lisa)
Oppression by Jessica Thierren (Received via the DAC Arc Tours c/o Lisa)


Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey (Won from Keren at Gothic Angel Book Reviews)
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl (Won from Amy at Bookgoonie)
Legacy by Cayla Kluver (Won from Kate at Ex Libris)

That's all that I received in my mailbox this week. If you want to, link up your post in the comments so I can check out your post!


  1. I've had Beautiful Creatures on my shelf for SO long! Hope you get to it sooner than me! Haha.

  2. The Book Addicted GirlFebruary 19, 2012 at 1:44 PM

    Great mailbox! I loved Legacy, so I hope you do too! And Incarnate looks amazing! Happy reading! :D

  3. Great books! I really want to read Born Wicked - I think it looks really amazing! I've heard really good things about Incarnate and Beautiful Creatures, too. Happy reading! :)

  4. Great books! I'm jealous you got to go to the Breathless tour :)

  5. Born Wicked is really great! :) Enjoy!

    Our IMM!

  6. I can't wait to read Born Wicked and Incarnate. I read Beautiful Creatures and enjoyed it . Happy reading :)

    My IMM

  7. Awesome IMM this week. I am uber envious of you going to the Breathless tour! I wish it was coming around me. Great haul and happy reading this week!
    You can check out my IMM here.
    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  8. I've been slowly listening to the Legend audiobook in between other books for review. It's really good. Enjoy your books. Happy Reading!

    JJ iReads
    Check out what I got In My Mailbox this week

  9. YAY for the DAC ARC Tours! Happy reading, Alexa!

  10. I'm dying to get Born Wicked and Legend! I'm so excited for you! I hope you like Incarnate as much as I did! I bought Beautiful Creatures eons ago, and still have not read it. I see a book club in our future! :P Yay for all your books!

  11. I am so dying to read Born Wicked!!! I am definitely going to buy it this week (: I got Incarnate on my nook and can't wait to read it! I saw Beautiful Creatures in my Library this week and I was going to get it but didn't, I'll have to go back and check it out! You got some amazing books... I hope you enjoy them all (: I always enjoy visiting your blog.
    Happy Sunday (:
    Here is my IMM;

  12. Great IMM, Alexa! I have Born Wicked in my IMM this week too!


  13. Born Wicked is SO good!! If you haven't read it yet, you simply must read it now.

  14. You got some great stuff! I really want to read Born Wicked, Incarnate and Beautiful Creatures!

    My IMM: http://girlwithapenandadream.blogspot.com/2012/02/in-my-mailbox-imm-2.html

  15. Awesome books! I really want to read Legend soon, I've heard such great things about it! Enjoy :)

    If you'd like you can check out the awesome books I got in my mailbox this week, just click the link below! ;)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  16. I'll get to it... eventually. But definitely this year, I hope!

  17. I've actually read Legacy, but only an ebook! It made me so happy to get an actual copy. And Incarnate WAS amazing. My review is going up soon!

  18. I'm excited to read Born Wicked and can't wait to get to it. Incarnate was AMAZING.

  19. It was really fun! I'm thankful I decided to go, even at the last minute :)

  20. Yay indeed! Lots of love to you and Tara for hosting it <3

  21. I hope you get them soon! I'm pretty excited to read them. And I just finished Incarnate and was completely blown away!! <3 Yes for a book club!

  22. I can't wait to get started on it! Jessica was SO nice.

  23. Incarnate was really, really good! I'm so glad it met all the expectations I had for it. And can't wait to start on everything else!

  24. Legend is one of the books that I'm really excited about! Cannot wait to check it out :)

  25. Chandra @ Unabridged BookshelfFebruary 20, 2012 at 5:48 PM

    I also got Born Wicked this week, and Oppression looks really good! I hope you enjoy all your new books, Thanks for sharing!

    Also, I tagged you in Blog Tag, if you want to participate the post is here. It is just answering a few questions and tagging others, you can participate only if you want, no pressure :)

  26. This looks really fun! I'm going to join in this meme soon.

  27. I totally recommend Oppression because it was a fantastic read! I had a lot of fun with it and finished it in a day :)

  28. It's definitely a lot of fun! I don't do it regularly, but I do enjoy posting every now and then :)


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