February 17, 2012

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon • A Few Introductions

This is one post that I'm certainly excited for, as there are a couple of new (to me) blogs that I'm excited to introduce to you all. I certainly hope that you click their links and visit their blogs - the bloggers behind these blogs are pretty darn awesome!

Meg's blog is seriously awesome, you guys. She has the best discussion posts, unpopular opinion posts and I always enjoy her reviews. What I admire most about Meg is her frank honesty, intelligent arguments and her love for Harry Potter (which we definitely share!)!

Amy is another cool blogger I've recently discovered. I love reading her reviews, as they pretty much read like the thoughts in my head run. What I admire most about Amy is that she's a fellow Jersey girl, a librarian and she's not afraid to let her inner geek/nerd show (which I fully support, by the way)!

Chachic is the first Filipino book blogger I've met, thanks to Amy of Good Books and Good Wine, and that gets me so excited! I love reading her blog, and finding myself introduced to books I haven't heard of before! What I admire most about her is passion for creating community, her love of postcards and the fact that we're of the same cultural background!

Elisabeth, Mandee, Meg & Geanna of Vegan YA Nerds
These girls have only recently started blogging, but I really enjoy reading their reviews! I find that I often get introduced to books I've never heard of (especially by Aussie authors) and I LOVE that. What I admire most about these girls is that each one has her own "voice" when reviewing and they're super supportive!

Kristilyn of Reading in Winter

Kristilyn is another new blogger that I only "met" recently and I absolutely adore her blog! Because she has very varied tastes in books, as do I, I always manage to discover different books of different genres on her blog. What I admire most is her ability to highlight books that go under my radar and the fact that she's a singer-songwriter!

I met Sharon through my participation in Bout of Books and I'm glad for it! She and I share similar taste in books, especially in our fascination with romance novels, which I rarely find in the book blogging world. What I admire most about her is her ability to properly express and explain why she feels the way she does about a certain book, as well as her adorable blog design and her friendly personality!

This was posted as a response to Mini-Challenge #2 for the Book Blogger Love-A-Thon.
The Love-a-Thon is an event hosted by one of my awesome friends Katelyn from Kate's Tales of Books and Bands.
You can find out more information by checking out THIS POST.


  1. Whooops! I think I did the wrong thing here and just shouted out people who were new to me today! Haha, well this is an awesome list you have here :) I haven't been to any of these blogs yet but will head on over!

  2. Hannah @ In the Best WorldsFebruary 17, 2012 at 1:54 PM

    These blogs look great! Especially Vegan YA Nerds =) Sounds right up my alley. Can't wait to check these out.

  3. Great post! i'm always on the lookout for new and good blogs and i just found some. TFS!

  4. Yay for awkward trio! And I'm going to have to heck out some of these bloggers!

  5. I recently just found Meg and Amy's blogs! I will be visiting the other's you've mentioned as well...maybe leave a comment for them as well :) Thank you for sharing these with me! I've been meaning to find some new blogs!

  6. Thank you so much for the shout out!!! <333

    Also, wait, Good Books and Good Wine's name is Amy...omg I've been calling her April all this time o_o

  7. I love how you put why they stand out as bloggers to you! We each have our own little quirks on top of our book love so it's awesome to see that!

  8. What a great post! I'm not familiar with ANY of these blogs, so now I have lots of fun stuff to go check out :)

  9. No, you did the right thing! I had to schedule my post so I wasn't able to make a shoutout to the new people I met today. Props to you for doing that!

  10. It will totally be the most awesome club. Because awkward people will take over the world!!

  11. I hope you like them! They're definitely great blogs :)

  12. Wait... what? Haha. I think Good Books and Good Wine IS an April. Tripping Over Books is Amy :)

  13. I hope you find one or two (or maybe more0 that you enjoy!

  14. Those things are what set them apart for me, so I thought it'd be fun to point them out :)

  15. Aww Alexa, it warms my heart that you included me in this list. We've only known each other for a couple of weeks but I've really enjoyed chatting about books and postcards with you. :P Let's meet up when you're in Manila!

  16. I'm a little sad we weren't able to meet up in Manila :( When I'm home next year for sure!


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