January 2, 2012

A 2012 Refresher

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had fun wherever you celebrated your New Year's, whether with friends, family or lovers.  It's bound to be another amazing year and I am sincerely hoping to be graced with more opportunities, growth and love all around.

With the turn of the new year, I've decided to change things up around the blog (including the layout, if you hadn't noticed).  I'm going to be working on my review process and scheduling, hopefully making things more organized and consistent.

But the biggest change of all is this: I'm welcoming a new reviewer onto the blog! My boyfriend Macky, who loves books as much as I do, has offered to occasionally do reviews.  I thought it would be fun to make his reviews a permanent feature on the blog, so beginning this month, look out for his awesome (if I do say so myself, and I don't care if that's biased!) reviews.

Without further ado, please give Macky a warm welcome! I can guarantee that he's a pretty awesome guy.

Hello this side of the book blogosphere! (Yes, that is a word. Like right now). Greetings greetings! I am… *cue music* the boyfriend. Yes. I have a name. No, it is not too important… right now. And yes, you can cue any kind of music you want.

Right now, what matters is that I have, with the blessing of this very awesome (and dare I say, very cute) blog-runner, been allowed to review books as well! Yay me!

Name’s Macky and I’ll be reviewing some books for y’all. Mostly because I found them awesome. And hopefully you will too.

I love books because of the characters. I find that meeting great characters in books pretty much means they stay with you even after you’ve read their stories. That’s a lot of people to carry around. And so, since I’ve also been super ADHD lately… if the characters don’t spring to life and grab me by the heart and yell “LOVE ME!!!” to my face… I tend to zone out.

Also, I may end up talking about these characters like they’re real… like I would presume to know them almost as much, if not as well as the authors who wrote them. But that’s what I love about reading. It’s like you’re there as they go through everything. Love, hate, war, pain, fear, victory, loss, sex, drugs and rock and roll, haha.

So there. I’ll start my series of reviews with a couple of YA contemporary books. I’m old(er) than Alexa so my book reviews will tend to be all retro and “so 5 years ago”. I’ll leave the book reviews for most of the new books to her.

I love how she’s got the whole “give some love to the new authors” thing. Yay new authors! Someday Lexi and I will be new authors!

But for now we read, review, be inspired, write, get stuck, blog, try to write, and then get stuck, rinse then repeat. Thank you Lex for giving me a teensy bit of the spotlight. And you readers… I simply ask that ye be of the gentle. It’s my first time. But I love you already.


So you guys, look forward to his reviews, the first of which will be coming out this week! It's a pretty good one too.

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, Macky! Hope you enjoy it here. :)

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere Macky! I'm looking forward to your 'so 5 years ago' reviews ;) Also, we share the zoning out when characters aren't lovable thing.
    And a very happy new year to you both!!


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