November 25, 2011

TGIF (8): Those Things I Do

TGIF at GReads is a feature by the fabulous Ginger, who asks us a fun question to answer every week. It's always a joy to be a part of this, and I think everyone certainly should try it out!

What occupies your time when your nose isn't stuck in a book?

I love participating in TGIF, hosted by Ginger, because I love answering the question she poses.  This one's a particularly good one and I can't wait to read everyone's answers, as I'm sure they'll be tailor fit to each individual's personality.

Anyway, when I'm not reading (which is very rare, considering I usually carry a book, my iPad or my Kindle around with me everywhere), I can be found doing one of the following things:

I work as a production assistant for a company that manufactures children's accessories.  The office is located in mid-Manhattan, which means that, apart from the hours in the office, I spend a couple of hours commuting between New Jersey and New York everyday.

One of my greatest passions in life is traveling. I love exploring new places or revisiting old familiar ones.  This year, I've been given the chance to do a lot of both - I revisited Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia and Orlando and I went to Miami with my friends.  My travel plans in the near future include Ohio for Christmas and the Philippines sometime next year.

I don't just blog over here about bookish things.  I also keep a personal blog called With Love, Alexa where I blog about what's happening in my life to keep my loved ones updated.  I also have Twix and Oreos, a Tumblr site dedicated to things that inspire me, and Love Letters, a Tumblr site that I made for things I post for my boyfriend.  I also have plans in the works for a couple more sites in the near future.

I've been making attempts to be more regular when it comes to writing. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.  Either way,  I still find writing to be a therapeutic, necessary activity for me.

I love eating.  I discovered some time last year that I enjoy food - and it's been fun for me hitting up different places to try out their food. Some of my favorite haunts are Serendipity, the Plaza, Dallas BBQ and, a fairly recent addition, Cafe Un Deux Trois.

Spending quality time with friends and family
I love spending time with the people I love.  This can mean anything from a lazy day in my pajamas with the dog, running errands with the family, exploring the City with my best friends, Skype conversations with people I miss dearly in the Philippines or attending special events.  This takes up a lot of my time.

Spending quality time with God
I like sitting down to journal or to pray.  It's always refreshing for me to be able to spend some time with Him and dialogue.  It brings me a lot of serenity and calm; I always feel empowered afterwards.

There are a few more things that I can be found doing on occasion, like watching movies, listening to music, shopping, watching Broadway shows and organizing my room.  But since those are activities that happen only every so often, I didn't see the need to highlight them.

What about you - what do you do when you're not reading?

The Butterfly Clues by Kate Ellison
Geek Girl by Cindy C. Bennett (an official stop on the Geek Girl Blog Tour!)
The Season by Sarah MacLean

Words from Books (9): The Sweetest Thing by Christina Mandelski
Top Ten Tuesday (9): Authors I'd Invite to Thanksgiving Dinner
Happy Thanksgiving: A Gratitude Post


  1. Hopefully I see you in New York! And yes, food is one of my greatest loves in life <3

  2. You can fit a lot into your day! I wish I were as productive doing the things I love.

  3. You have a busy schedule, but filled with all the great things in life. :D
    thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. Thanks for stopping by! I'm a new follower :)

    Wow, you're doing a lot. I love eating too, though I try to control myself mostly. I'll go check out your tumblr blogs, I'm on there too.


  5. Hi and thanks for stopping by my blog. I love to travel too but with a little one in tow it's not as easy as it used to be.

  6. Eating is a definite favourite of mine LOL!

    Working is something no one can seem to get away from though. It just seems to take up so much time that we could all be spending doing the stuff we REALLY want to be doing. But .. everyone needs money lol.

    Good Luck with the Writing ;)

  7. I love eating, too. Ha ha ... not just in general (well, sometimes), but trying out new restaurants and new recipes. It's fun! I like your Shakespeare comic, by the way. :)

  8. Love the pictures that accopany the things you love! You're one busy girl - but isn't it awesome when it's doing things you love to do :-)

  9. Sounds like you have your hands full with work and blogging + reading. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. New follower.

    JJ iReads
    My Friday Post

  10. A couple HOURS of commuting??? That is just crazy! I thought my 15-minute drive to work was bad but I guess not! And wow! You have been all over this past year. I think it is so awesome you were able to make so many trips :) I am saving for New York this summer. That's some place I've never been! And then did I forget to post about food!?!?! It is one of my greatest passions even though I can't cook to save my life. I still like to eat like no other :) lol

  11. Melissa @ i swim for oceansFebruary 6, 2012 at 12:14 PM

    God and food?!?! How did I leave those off my list?!?! Your job sounds fun (despite the traveling) haha I drive from Salem, NH to Boston daily now lol

  12. You are up to quite a bit. For some reason, I still thought you were a student. Way to use your commute. Take advantage of travel while you are young and not tied down too much. Great pictures.

  13. I love that you included food in this! I love food! And the pictures of you and your friends/family look amazing and fun! :)

  14. Wow, how do you find time to keep up so many blogs? I would like to have separate blogs for my interests but I'd probably end up neglecting them to focus on just 1


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