November 18, 2011

TGIF (7): Books I'm Thankful For

TGIF at GReads is a feature by the fabulous Ginger, who asks us a fun question to answer every week. It's always a joy to be a part of this, and I think everyone certainly should try it out!

Which books are you most thankful for receiving from other bloggers, friends, family members or publishers?

I have many people to thank for fueling my passion for books.  There was an emphasis on books and stories in my childhood by my parents, which I'm truly grateful for today.  I'm so excited about today's TGIF question because it gives me a chance to show my gratitude.

She started me on the Dr. Seuss and Berenstain Bear books, eventually buying me the Babysitter's Club, Nancy Drew and the Little House series. But what I'm truly grateful for is the year that she gave me Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone for Christmas - that book changed a lot of things for me.

He was the one to introduce me to the amazing works of Ms. Tamora Pierce (Alanna: The First Adventure), Garth Nix (Sabriel) and Christopher Paolini (Eragon).  It is no joke how much I adore these books and authors nowadays.
She's the one who got me hooked on the Percy Jackson series by lending me The Lightning Thief.  I have her to thank for the steadfast love I now have for Rick Riordan.

Shanella (of Shanella Reads)
I joined Shanella's haiku contest and won a personalized signed copy of Eona, which I'm extremely excited about and thankful for.
Cheryl Rainfield (author of Hunted)
Cheryl was kind enough to send me a copy of her novel Hunted, which I absolutely loved. I'm grateful that she gave me the opportunity to read and review such an amazing book.
Kelsey (of The Lost Book Reports)
I joined Kelsey's contest and won a copy of The Scorpio Races, a book that I was highly anticipating as a fan of Maggie Stiefvater. I was so excited when the book came in the mail.

Middle School, the Worst Years of My Life by James Patterson
Donut Days by Lara Zielin
The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards
Remembrance by Michelle Madow
The Calling by Ashley Lynn Willis
Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley

Words from Books (7)
Top Ten Tuesday (7)
Blog Tour: Remembrance by Michelle Madow
Words from Books (8)
Top Ten Tuesday (8)
2012: The Year of Challenges


  1. Thank you so much! I'm no blog design expert, but I try :)

  2. Your mom sounds like a reader too! My mom just read to me every night until I could read my Dr. Seuss books back to her. :p

  3. YOU WENT TO LEAKYCON? I'm so jealous! I wish I had gone!

    Ooh, and have fun going on adventures with Alanna! I love Tamora Pierce and all of her books :)

  4. No, I haven't! I'm going to get around to it, I swear. I just need to start reading faster.... lol.

  5. Thanks! And yes, moms definitely have a role in many people's bookish obsessions, as in my case :)

  6. No problem! I have to read Eon again before Eona, so hopefully I get that done before the New Year :p

  7. I love parents who encourage their kids to read. I'm definitely planning on being that kind of mom to my own kids someday :)

  8. I bet she will - especially when you teach her to share your passion for books ;)

  9. Hary Potter is my favourite series EVER. Great choice. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  10. I so want to read The Scorpio Races. it looks sooo good!

  11. Christy @TheReaderBeeFebruary 6, 2012 at 12:14 PM

    I can't wait until my kids are old enough to enjoy the Harry Potter books! It won't be long now. :) Happy Hopping Alexa!

  12. That's wonderful that you have such great memories of the books people have shared with you! :-)

  13. I love how you broke it down thanking your family & friends - and of course, some awesome book bloggers :-)


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