November 28, 2011

Para Versus Predator • Hunted

Hunted book cover
Hunted by Cheryl Rainfield
Publisher: WestSide Books
Publication Date: December 15, 2011
Source/Format: Author (Thanks!) || e-book
[I received this book from the author. This in no way affects my review.]

Caitlyn, a telepath, lives in a world where all paranormal talents are illegal. She is on the run from government ParaTroopers. When Caitlyn falls for Alex, a Normal, and discovers dangerous renegade Paranormals, she must choose between staying in hiding to protect herself or taking a stand to save the world.

I'm sitting here, having finished Hunted a mere five minutes ago, and I am still stunned. The novel was intense and gripping; I could not put it down once I'd started it. And the story was just so incredibly powerful - I found myself truly agreeing with the message I sensed being propagated through it. I'm still trying to come up with more words to describe this book but all that comes to mind is awesome, amazing, inspired and just really brilliant!

The premise is one I've seen played out before - discrimination towards people and the resulting cruelty. In this novel, people known as Paras are getting persecuted for their abilities and talents that set them apart from the Normals. It was heartbreaking to read about the crazy levels of loathing, fear, hatred and discrimination that most Normals had against Paras. I personally found it all distasteful, unreasonable and I could appreciate the presence of pro-Para activists and movements myself. But what stands out to me is the fact that I was so drawn into the story that I could even go so far as to feel as strongly as I did about the Paras.

I enjoyed getting to know all of the characters in the book because the way Ms. Rainfield wrote them immediately brought them to life. I loved our strong, fearless and intensely good narrator Caitlyn best of all, but it was a treat to meet Alex (swoon-worthy!), Rachel (the amazingly loyal best friend), Caitlyn's mom (there is NOTHING stronger than a mother's love) and Mrs. Vespa (how awesome is it that a librarian plays an important role in this story?). Each character I've mentioned is one that I came to know and care about as I read the book.

It is also important to note that Ms. Rainfield paints a scary, intimidating portrait of the bad guys too. I found myself frightened, intimidated and so shocked by their brutality and cruelty. However, I do like how she also shows us some vulnerability and, in a way, allows us to see the root of all this chosen action.

Honestly, Hunted is one extremely awesome book. It's not just an exciting, intense paranormal thriller; it's a book with a message. And, as far as I can tell, the message is this: everyone, no matter their race, colors, status or abilities, has the right to live unafraid, in peace and, most important of all, free. Everyone should be treated equally. I feel that we should all be unafraid to stand up for this basic right, just as the characters in the book do when demonstrate their loyalty and stand up for what they believe in. Hunted is amazing - so you better go and pick it up when it hits the shelves in December 2011.


  1. Thanks Daisy! *hug* I always appreciate your enthusiastic comments on my reviews. And this one's a good read!

  2. I really felt like Cheryl was able to get an important message across with her book. I'm so glad you'll be reading Hunted and I hope you enjoy it!

  3. Wow! I have heard about this book before. I didn't think it would be something I was dying to read but I am now! Not only is your review super fabulous, but the book sounds so great! I love that it is a paranormal book but also has a strong message. This is definitely one I am looking forward to reading!

  4. YAY! I have been wanting to read this book for some time now and you got me even more excited! :D I love a book in which you love the main character as well as several of the other characters :)
    Thanks for the review!


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