October 21, 2011

TGIF (4): You Make Me Smile

TGIF at GReads is a feature by the fabulous Ginger, who asks us a fun question to answer every week. It's always a joy to be a part of this, and I think everyone certainly should try it out!

Pick 5 book blogs you visit often that you you think other should too.

This one's pretty much a no-brainer for me. Here are some of my favorites:

(1) The Story Siren
I know that just about everyone knows who Kristi is. She posts awesome reviews, has great giveaways and gives really good advice for us blogging newbies.  But her book blog is what inspired me to start my own, so she definitely deserves a spot on my list. (Random anecdote: I saw Kristi in person last May at the This Is Teen event in the Scholastic Store in Soho but was too shy to say hi. Next time for sure!)
(2) One More Page
One of my good friends in college suggested this blog to me since she knew how much I liked to read chick lit.  Amanda has some great recommendations in chick lit (and occasionally other genres) and I love her reviews to pieces.  Every single time I visit her blog, I find something new to add to my reading list.  And, as a bonus, she's from the UK!
(3) The Reader Bee
Christy has one of the cutest book blogs I've ever seen and I love her blog name. Her reviews are succinct and I tend to agree with most of her assessments after I read a book that she's reviewed before.  Her blog is one of my favorites to visit!
(4) Stories & Sweeties
Becky's blog is one of the newer ones I've come across, but what I've read from her so far is so cute! Plus, hello, cupcakes + books is the best (and sweetest) combination EVER.

(5) GReads
I had to put Ginger on here because I check her blog every single day. I love her reviews, her personal posts and her memes! Her blog is definitely one of my favorites too!

What are some of your favorite book blogs?
Share in the comments!
Thanks for stopping by :)


  1. I adore Kristi and Ginger, but now I"m off to check out the others on your list!! I love finding new blogs this way :)

    Here's my list.

  2. Thank you so much for including me in this list of your favorites!

  3. Oh, thanks for recommending One More Page. Checked it out and loved it! Another blog to follow!

    New follower here as well.

  4. Fun list of blogs...:D I love Greads too....

  5. Thanks you so much for including me in that list! I am so honored! And what is up with that.... introduce yourself next time!!!

  6. Totally dig The Reader Bee. Loving that I follow at least one blogger everywhere I've stopped today. Thanks for some new recommends. ;)

    Always Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Becky @ Stories & SweetiesFebruary 6, 2012 at 12:17 PM

    Thanks, Alexa!! Wow, I'm completely honored to be mentioned along with all those awesome bloggers! :D

  8. Christy @TheReaderBeeFebruary 6, 2012 at 12:17 PM

    Thank you SO very much for including me on your list! I am truly honored, and surprised, to be included! :)

  9. Firstly, you and your blog are awesome! You are always so nice and genuine. I have been perhaps the suckiest commenters of all time but I am trying to change that and I promise to be stopping by your blog more often. Second, I couldn't agree with you more! Some the your top five are new to me but I trust your judgement. Kristi and Ginger are for sure the coolest bloggers ever! Great post :)

  10. Amanda @ One More PageFebruary 6, 2012 at 12:17 PM

    Wow! Thanks Alexa. I'm so flattered to be on your list and with such a great group of bloggers! You've made my day xx

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  21. Thanks for suggesting Stories and Sweeties, I like what I see so far.

  22. I'm a new follower to your blog...and I like the ones you listed too. Here are a few of my favorites:
    The Quillery, Litteral Addiction Paranormal BC, Under The Covers, Romance Book Craze, Books-n-Kisses, The Naked Hero, Book Savy Babe...

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