October 7, 2011

TGIF (2): To Be Read

TGIF at GReads is a feature by the fabulous Ginger, who asks us a fun question to answer every week. It's always a joy to be a part of this, and I think everyone certainly should try it out!

How big is your pile? Which book keeps getting pushed down the stack, but you keep meaning to read it?

I've always been a bit of a bookaholic; I have this habit of picking up way too many books.  So it's probably not surprising that, honestly, my pile of books to be read is INSANE. I keep telling myself that I can't/shouldn't/won't pick up any more books, but it's so difficult not to when (1) I visit bookstores quite often and there's always a pretty cover that grabs my attention and (2) I have way too many devices to read on aside from my actual books - my Kindle and my iPad. 


  1. this sounds familiar!! haha! thanks for stopping by!

  2. Oh the piles & the ebooks. Overload.

  3. I read on my iPad too and I'm always switching from one app to the other to read all my ebooks. It's insane!

    Thanks for stopping by

    JJ iReads
    My TGIF

  4. I have 5 apps on the iPad that I switch between *lol* And the bulk of my TBR pile is there, so I couldn't really do a picture either.

  5. wild, I'm going to come up with a challenge for 2012 just for TBR list, something like a diet. lol.

  6. I completely understand "insane" TBR piles. I am a librarian so think about all the books that end up on my virtual "pile" plus every day new ones jump on. Ha!

    My Head is Full of Books

    1. Oh my goodness. I bet you have a ton of books on your TBR! I think I'd be borrowing obsessively if I were a librarian.

  7. You are so right! I always yell at myself every time I enter a bookstore but afterwards I try and tell myself it is okay because the books I bought were OBVIOUSLY dying for me to pick them up!

    1. YES. I always justify it by saying that I'm supporting an author or the publishing industry!

  8. I think insane is the best way to describe our To-Be-Read piles. Honestly, if someone ever proved that reading too many books was harmful, we would all get thrown into some rehab for books program.

    1. I bet that would be an interesting place, though just thinking about it has me horrified at the idea we'd be limited when it comes to reading material!


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