May 18, 2011

Battle of the Sexes • Girl v. Boy

Girl V. Boy book cover
Girl V. Boy by Yvonee Collins & Sandy Rideout
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Publication Date: July 8, 2008
Source/Format: Bought || Paperback

Sixteen-year-old Luisa Perez is not looking to win any awards for school spirit. In fact, she and her friends make it a point to avoid all activities considered “extra-curricular.” So when her English teacher volunteers her to be an anonymous columnist for the school paper, Luisa’s first impulse is to run. But, unlike her high-school dropout sister, Luisa does want to go to college—it may be her only ticket out of a life spent working at the cowboy-themed diner where she waitresses part time—and it would be nice to have something on her applications.

Her first assignment is to cover her high school's latest fundraiser, which pits the girls against the boys. Luisa will cover the events from the female POV, while another anonymous writer provides the male perspective—or, at least, that’s how it begins. The two columnists soon find themselves engaged in an epic battle of the sexes—a battle that Luisa is determined to win. 

I really liked Girl V. Boy, to be honest. I've read very ambivalent reviews about it, but I thought it was very well written, interesting and realistic. I enjoyed it; once I started it, I couldn't put it down until I finished it!

I felt a certain kinship with Luisa. In high school, I was just one of those regular people, who was a part of the batch, but never really stood out. Just like Luisa, I work hard to please my parents, I'm determined to have a good future and well, I like to write and think I'm fairly good at it. I found her character and the struggles she encountered (especially with boys and with her older sister) easy to relate to. The one thing that irked me about Luisa though was how high-and-mighty she could get about things sometimes. It occasionally made me want to slap her silly, but I managed to get over it quick enough. 

Girl V. Boy covers Luisa's foray into the world of high school extra-curriculars as an anonymous columnist for the school paper, covering the boys versus girls fundraisers (which is actually for the larger purpose of raising the most money for their school to win a contest and extra days of vacation). It's fun to watch her discover her talent for writing, and to watch as she develops a particular voice in her column. It's also intriguing how her co-columnist, an anonymous male, manages to develop his own voice and share his point of view (which is usually in direct opposition to Luisa's strong ideas).

The columns were funny and interesting; I would totally have read our school newspaper in high school if there had been columns that entertaining. I like how the story is continually tied to the columns, especially when they start revolving around relationships. It was woven together quite neatly. I liked the way Girl V. Boy ended too. I was totally not expecting Luisa to end up with this particular guy (and I'm not telling who!), but she did and I thought it was how it should be. Girl V. Boy was a sassy, fun read, with an interesting story, a fun cast of characters and a cute little romance. I'd definitely recommend reading it!


  1. what was the conflict in Girl vs. Boy?


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