May 6, 2011

Book Blogger Hop (2)

Book Blogger Hop
Hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books
This week's question comes from Twitter! 
Thanks to Melissa (aka Miel_et_Lait) who blogs at Miel et Lait.

Which book blogger would you most like to meet in real life?

This is probably going to be a common answer, but I would absolutely love to meet Kristi of The Story Siren. She's my book blogging inspiration! I think she's awesome, funny, smart and very kind to book bloggers and authors and people in general.  Plus, she seems like she'd be very fun to hang out with and it would be awesome to get a chance to rifle through her shelves. (Yes, that's very forward of me, I know, to presume that she would invite me to her house -- but how cool would that be?)


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