April 14, 2011

Love Letters from the Afterlife • P.S. I Love You

PS I Love You  book cover
PS, I Love You by Cecelia Ahern
Publisher: Hyperion Books
Publication Date: January 5, 2005
Source/Format: Bought || Paperback

Holly couldn't live without her husband Gerry, until the day she had to. They were the kind of young couple who could finish each other's sentences. When Gerry succumbs to a terminal illness and dies, 30-year-old Holly is set adrift, unable to pick up the pieces. But with the help of a series of letters her husband left her before he died and a little nudging from an eccentric assortment of family and friends, she learns to laugh, overcome her fears, and discover a world she never knew existed. 

Cecelia Ahern is another Irish author, but one who I've come to love and appreciate. I thought PS, I Love You was great! It's probably because the story calls out to the diehard romantic in my soul, focusing on undying, unconditional love as it does.

Holly is an interesting character, riddled with positives and negatives. I like how Ahern showcases both of those sides to Holly throughout the book; but I especially enjoy getting a view of Holly's mourning process after losing her husband at such a young age. The journey she takes (that Gerry leads her on, of course) is fun to follow and I found myself rooting for Holly to be happy again.

I love the supporting characters too though, especially John, Sharon, and Denise. John and Sharon are just the type of couple friends I would want to have in my life in the future. Denise, on the other hand, was a riot (especially with that incident while they were on vacation... but you'll have to read the book to find out what that is!). It was their colorful witticisms and the scenes that Holly shared with each of them that I enjoyed the most.

I think, above everything, it was really the idea of the "list" that I enjoyed. Imagine having someone you love creating a list of things for you to do (or not do, as in the case of the 'spensive white dress) and attempting to accomplish them all? It was interesting to see which tasks Gerry would leave for Holly, as well as watching Holly face her hurdles and overcome them. In a way, it's quite inspiring - it makes me want to get out there and accomplish all those unspoken goals and things to do that I've been listing mentally for years. It's also very moving, as we get to see how Gerry, though he's gone, gets to help Holly move on with her life.

I would definitely recommend PS, I Love You for fans of romance. It's a nice, fluffy read, perfect to bring along on a weekend trip.


  1. I love this book so much and it established Ahern as one of my fave authors. I also love the movie adapted from this. They were tons different but they're both good in their own way. If you like to try another book from Ahern, I'd really recommend Love, Rosie. It's very hilarious and romantic. :)

    - Sarah @ Smitten over Books (My LoveAThon super late presence)

    1. I loved Love, Rosie! It was such a lovely story. I'm a big Ahern fan, and I think I've read almost every single thing that she's written :)

  2. Any chance you'd be willing to do a movie review? Book sounds perfect for a lazy afternoon.

    --Sharmin @!

    1. I would most definitely be up to doing that one day, though I haven't managed to read and watch in the same span of time. It's a great movie though, especially because Gerard Butler is in it!


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