April 26, 2011

A Feline Jinx • Tiger's Curse

Tiger's Curse book cover
Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck
Series: The Tiger Saga #1
Publisher: Sterling Publishing
Publication Date: January 11, 2011
Source/Format: Bought || Hardcover

The last thing Kelsey Hayes thought she'd be doing this summer was trying to break a 300-year old Indian curse. With a mysterious white tiger named Ren. Halfway around the world. But that's exactly what happened. Face-to-face with dark forces, spell-binding magic, and mystical worlds where nothing is what it seems, Kelsey risks everything to piece together an ancient prophecy that could break the curse forever.

I think it's a positive count towards Tiger's Curse that I picked it up because of it's pretty cover. It's dominated by a large white tiger, one of my favorite animals, and has that beautiful pattern on the top that definitely adds a bit of elegance. Of course, the cover wasn't my only consideration - I read the book flap summary and found myself deliciously intrigued. An adventure involving tigers, a journey to India and curse? That's definitely something up my alley.

I proved to be correct on both counts - the book was something that I enjoyed immensely. Though the beginning was a bit slow, the writing would occasionally veer into a place where it just didn't flow right and there's something a little too fanciful about a girl getting permission and agreeing to fly all the way to India on such short notice, I stuck with it and found myself pleasantly surprised.

Tiger's Curse builds up into an interesting adventure in India, filled with dangerous creatures, overwhelming prophecies and a lot of magic. I thought Houck did a great job bringing the world of India to life; in fact, the book basically became more interesting to me as soon as they got to India. (Honestly, I would have to say that if I had decide to give up after the first few chapters, it wouldn't have been much of a surprise. The whole bit about the circus and Mr. Kadam's arrival was just too contrived for words.)

Not only does the adventure get better in India, but I think the characters become more realistic and easier to relate to. There must be some magic in the Indian air, at least for this book. I found myself actually liking Kelsey when she reached India, which was a relief because I just found her unappealing when she was still in the US. And of course, Ren is so easy to fall in love with when the story of the curse and his history come out.

There are two points of the story that I really enjoyed - the interesting prophecy that tells them how to break the tiger's curse that Prince Dhiren (and his brother) is under and the love story between Kelsey and Ren.

Tiger's Curse ends spectacularly with one tenet of the prophesy fulfilled, but leaves room for more adventure in the books to come. I'm looking forward to reading the next book (although I'm definitely hoping that I don't have to suffer through the beginning like I did with this one).




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